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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Backhaul must finally be installed at the tower near my house. CH13XC011. I have 3g speed test giving my 1.9/mbps down and .75/mbpd up. i haven't had over .10/mbps down in over 2 months


    Can anyone tell me what type of backhaul this tower received?


    I have also noticed that the signal is stronger inside my house. They might not have switched from the legacy equipment to the NV until the backhaul was installed.


    It has ethernet backhaul

  2. Lots of text...


    I honestly have no issue with the Verizon/TMobile spectrum swap, it just makes both of them stronger. I would hope this gives Sprint a stronger case for the nationwide PCS G block. Also, as AJ has noted in other threads, there are many markets where Sprint can add a 2nd PCS 5x5 LTE carrier with little effort.


    As for Sprint purchasing Clear, I think it is a great long term plan, but short term, I don't think Sprint has the cash reserves to service its own debt, complete Network Vision, and take on the debt servicing and network build out of Clear. I'd like to see Sprint take over Clear in 2014 once the Sprint position has stabilized and Clear has built some of their network.

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  3. Does anyone know if any of these upgrades will actually improve reception in a given spot? I've lived in a 1-bar Sprint area for many years and am just curious if, when the upgrades are turned on, I will notice any difference. Like, might I then see 2 or 3 bars all of the sudden? It would be great to not have my battery drain before my eyes as the phone trys to keep a network connection, which is what happens if I'm not on the Airave. Better reception is all I hope to get out of these changes, and i could care less about LTE and improved data speeds as I am on WiFi all the time at home.


    Sprint has said the NV towers will provide a 20% increase, but no on really knows what they mean. The radios are being moved from the cabinets to behind the antenna panels to no lose signal in the cable run up the tower. The antenna panels are also more efficient. However, this 20% could be a stronger signal with a greater downtilt in an urban area, in a rural area it could be 20% better coverage so you might go from 1 bar to 2 bars. It all depends on the tower that you are connecting to and how it is configured.

  4. Since the cost of electricity usage has come up in this thread, here is a potential frame of reference. An AT&T cell site atop Samuel L. Jackson's apartment building in NYC has been stealing electricity to the tune of $40,000 per year.






    Wow, that is crazy and the slap in the face offer from at&t is even worse. I hope this group sues the pants off at&t, and everyone else they've been stealing from. If any company is doing this, they need to settle up and give something back (i.e free service, credits to existing customers, etc.)

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