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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. RD, can promise you it's not that with the G5 - that's generally older guard LG G-series phones that had consistent issues from what I remember. Between 3 different people in this household using one, I've experienced/worked with 5 different G5 model phones now (a few refurbished replacements to be forthcoming - but the replacements were for (1) a DOA initial refurbish that had to be sent back and (2) one with GPS that stopped working that had to be replaced - the original was a day one release purchase and was after just over 2 years of usage). Not one of them ever had a bootloop issue. The only thing that came close to that kind of behavior with any of them ended up being the OEM battery going bad after a long time, and replacement battery always made it right as rain. Games have never once caused a hiccup on any I've used either. The issue at hand here literally only manifests itself with certain select media apps. Grabber added Youtube Red to the mix which I wasn't aware of, but Google Play Movies/TV, Movies Anywhere and Hulu will all do it consistently minutes into whatever you start watching, and only when engaging those streaming apps - and do it every single time, though varying degrees of length into content viewing (varies by a few minutes). Meanwhile, Amazon Video, Netflix and Dish Anywhere app, you can watch whatever content you wish for hours straight/non-stop without a single hitch.
  2. I've never tried YouTube TV, but its not the only app that will do that. If you do enough Googling, you'll find that certain media apps are using some kind of different DRM or codec or something that certain hardware won't work properly with. LG smartphones in general seem to be affected, but there are others out there I know I've seen besides just LG. I can stream 24 hours a day if I so chose on Amazon Video, Netflix, or Dish Anywhere apps without a single hiccup barring any network/internet issues, but all three of Google Play Movies & TV, Movies Anywhere or Hulu will do the exact same thing you're describing if you try any of those as well. Its annoying as heck and I wish the developers of these apps would do some research and determine where the issue is and try to figure out if there's some way to work around it.
  3. Letter People (note: you'd have had to have been a kid in the 70's to be familiar with this most likely)
  4. On eBay. Not more negative than positive, but averaging 10 negative per month over the last year seems like a lot to me. The negatives are 1.3% of the entire 12 month period (the other .3 appears to be neutral reviews). For products that aren't brand new and you're getting them on the cheap anyway, 98.4% positive is about as good as you're going to find to me. If you're wanting an absolute sure thing with a warranty, you pony up the money and get a new phone anyway - you kind of have to keep it all in proper perspective and set your expectations accordingly if you go this route. You typically can also buy a short term Assurant warranty (has to be upfront) when you purchase from them if you so desire for just a little more, for the record. Granted that probably wouldn't cover a bad IMEI/ESN/etc if you did run into that scenario, but ultimately you have to weigh both sides and make the best decision you can for your situation. For me, its been a money saver by a longshot compared to if we'd bought new phones in all three of those situations, and for the most part not really feeling like I've been losing out much in terms of current gen differential, as hardware improvements since the G5 release are really not night/day difference like would have been the case 5+ years ago.
  5. I'm not sure where you're looking and seeing a swath of negative vs positive feedback, but on eBay they have over 120k user ratings and a 98.4% positive track record over the last 12 months. At any rate, I've gotten 3 phones from them to date and never had an issue with a locked phone. I did have to return one that started bootlooping shortly after (within 30 days) and they replaced it no problem, the replacement hasn't had an issue. Mind you, no one is perfect, but I've felt confident using them to date anyway.
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