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Everything posted by MikeCortez

  1. Honestly I think battery life is more inconsistent now than it ever was with kitkat. Some days standby time will drain horribly and others the drop is hardly noticeable.
  2. I finally received the update last night and I can vouch that it has greatly improved standby battery life. Normally I would be down to 97% after disconnecting from the charger within minutes. Now however, after 11 hours I'm still at 92% with some light use.
  3. Thanks for the link. Also, I've noticed something rather interesting lately with my wife's nexus 5. I don't think she's noticed but after noticing poor data speeds I looked at the LTE engineering screen and saw that she was on b25 while I was on b41. This seems to be the case almost all the time now even when I have a strong spark connection. I've tried a PRL update and restart but the issue persists. Any ideas?
  4. Does anyone know what this update is supposed to fix and/or add? I can't seem to find any details on the change log.
  5. Since b26 is relatively new to the area does it still need to be optimized? I've noticed that even if I can latch onto b26 I still end up going to 3G. I've also noticed my phone will latch onto b41 even if the b26 signal is better. Is this expected?
  6. Christmas just came early!!! Wouldn't you know it, I just latched on to b26 right now at work. I'm back on b41 now but I was able to do a speed test and I was able to get 4.66/5.37! Attached is a screenshot from the LTE engineering screen. I wish there was a way to stay on b26 without disabling it since my speeds are alot better.
  7. Well I would assume that since they are just lighting the first towers up they will still need to do some fine tuning. By the way, thanks for posting this news. I'll definitely be on the lookout now for other places in town that might be broadcasting on b26 . Also, I wish downtown had b26 already. I was down there last weekend and while inside a restaurant I was stuck on 1xrtt but I was able to get LTE once outside.
  8. Well that's a lot further out from my place of work and home but nonetheless that's good news. Hopefully we'll see more sites popping up. This might be a silly question but you were connected and had active service while on b26?
  9. What part of town were you on? This is exciting news!!!
  10. Thanks for the information. I believe several weeks ago my family and I noticed that we had no data connection around town and when we attempted to call Sprint there was an automated message stating they were aware of a network outage. Since then I can latch onto band 41 but as I mentioned the speeds are nowhere near what they used to be.Also, is there a specific forum for such topics?
  11. Is anyone else seeing slow speeds in town? For the past few weeks I have been constantly getting no more than 8-10 down whereas I used to get upwards of 40-50 especially at home. I called Sprint and supposedly they put in a ticket for the tower by my house but I have no way to verify it.
  12. Is anyone else seeing their phone scan more frequently now after the update? I tend to think my N5 is scanning a lot more now than it did with Kitkat. I just took my phone off the charger at home during my lunch break and now that I'm back at work it has 93% left with only 5 minutes of on-screen time. I came to this conclusion because at work I have pretty poor b41 reception and now with 5.0 I see my phone going from b41, to 3G and even 1x800. I never saw my phone jump around this much with kitkat. According to cell standby my phone has spent 63% of the time without a signal.
  13. Thank you for clearing that up. This is even better news now since there will be less work involved in getting band 26 live. I can't wait for it to launch since it will likely help my phone hold onto a decent signal while at work.
  14. Well then I guess I misunderstood the whole situation with the lack of band 26 here in SA. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. Back in October the site acceptances were only for 800 CDMA which I thought was completely separate from 800 LTE (band 26). San Antonio is in the IBEZ which is the reason why Sprint had to file a waiver in the first place.
  16. I really wish I had the extra cash to be a premier sponsor so I could get all that great info. In any case I'll just have to wait but I do have one question. Without getting into specifics is it safe to assume that the equipment is in place already?
  17. Great news! The FCC granted Sprint's wavier, so hopefully they will begin work on deploying band 26 around San Antonio and surrounding areas soon. http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment/view?id=60000983003
  18. I got the notification two days ago and it really hasn't been all that bad. I really can't speak as to the WiFi issues others have reported but I would say that my battery life has gotten slightly better.
  19. Just out of curiosity, did you notice this after the maps were updated with 800 CDMA? I don't know the technical specifics or if it's even possible but I seem to think my overall LTE signal has changed since then.
  20. I completely agree cyclone. I don't know why they're dragging feet but again this the federal government we're talking about. Also, how has your LTE been lately? For some reason it's been a little spotty the past few weeks.
  21. Not too sure if anyone will read this, but it looks like there is some holdup with the fcc approving Sprint's request for 800 LTE deployment in SA. I know I can't ask for specifics, but will this alter the timeline for band 26 deployment in SA? http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/comment/view?id=60000980530
  22. Nice! Hopefully we're still on track for the official release of lollipop on the 12th.
  23. Good luck. Hopefully you can get a replacement phone rather quickly.
  24. Either that or your could be experiencing issues with eCSFB in your market. This is an old article but it explains it best. http://s4gru.com/index.php?%2Fblog%2F1%2Fentry-357-nexus-5-and-lg-g2-experience-temporary-sprint-lte-connectivity-issues-due-to-circuit-switched-fallback-technology%2F
  25. That's great news. I've had to do that time from time. Out of curiosity, has this phone been used on another network other than Sprint?
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