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Everything posted by lou99/maximus1987

  1. The plan changes may have affected many but obviously it didn't affect the vast majority of customers.
  2. 7 day trial thing is no brainer. Remember sprint's 30day thing that was cancelled when marcelo arrived? Why they got rid of it…?
  3. Att will sell 700a it acquired with leap. Part of merger condition.
  4. Have you been to OKC? How's network there?
  5. Ch51 thing is that 700a block is right next to ch51 and interference would happen if 700a lte was broadcast within a certain distance. Ibez thing is that Canada and Mexico have not yet reconfigured their 800 band to match USA
  6. Standing right next to a site what's b25 speeds? Doing tests inside 2 sprint stores I get 1mbps
  7. Too bad you're not premier. You'd see the schedule maps and metro Detroit being lit up with b41 pins.
  8. Why did sprint replace Ericsson with nokia for 2.5?
  9. What was rootmetrics median speeds before sprint launched spark and what was tmobile speeds in same report? Those factors will be accounted for in the root report.
  10. TMO has 10x10 in Chicago. How usable was sprint's 5x5 before spark? If site density is similar sprint speeds should've been only 1/2 of TMobike. Were they?
  11. There's no system change required. People today have uniband, dual band, triband phones but there's no diff billing systems required.
  12. I guess since in 2 years sprint network will be kickass, they're not worried about people leaving if/when price increases.
  13. Nope. http://support.sprint.com/support/article/FAQs_about_the_Cut_Your_Bill_in_Half_Event/aaadfaa2-1717-4cef-9268-f1a5d85ecaea?INTNAV=LP:CutYourBillinHalfEvent:12022014:FAQ
  14. Cut your bill price changes when you change your phone. Are new subs aware of this?
  15. That's cause 5x5 1900 + 5x5 800 is not enough to provide that basic experience everywhere. I only get 1mbps at multiple sprint stores on multiple phones in my 5x5 1900 area and that's when it doesn't time out. Adding 5x5 800 lte would ?double? those speeds. Because sprint chose site density way less than Tmobile, sprint will only be usable when spark gets here.
  16. Does your signal level spike when you get close to it? Sprint said they'll install b25/b41 small cells eventually.
  17. B12 for Chicago is a looooooong ways off.
  18. Maybe he means your speed should be inversely proportional to amount of data used so far in given month.
  19. There's recent FTC settlement for this issue. TMO will provide a link to do speed test to show true speed if full speed data is use up.
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