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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. Trust me, I've tried to convince her to try another one but she is already sick of it. She is one who hates change and if something doesn't work the first time that is it. It is a real challenge to change her mind.


    If it were me I would exchange it and try another unit before getting a different phone.

    So what's she going with instead?
  2. FYI The Aquos has a field test mode that overlays part of the screen when turned on, rather than taking up the whole screen like anyone else's. Kinda slick. ##DEBUG# gets you there.


    As others have said, the screen is great, and the bezel-less effect is kinda surreal.

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  3. I used to hate the s5 fingerprint scanner. Now that I've tweaked it I get about a 90% first try rate. I feel like the scanner on the s5 is biased to the right of the scanner. So I swipe a little off center. Works well now. Play with different angles.

  4. Anyone else having issues with the default messaging app regarding emojis?


    Whenever people send me emojis I never receive them. Only time I find out what emoji people send me is when I open up Google Voice. I would use hangouts but it didn't work for me. On hangouts I wouldn't receive texts, texts didn't send, and multimedia messages were a pain. I stopped using hangouts since the last update when they changed the layout.

    I thought the emoji issue was with google voice passing it along. Even though you can see it in Google voice app, I always thought something gets lost in the handout. I never get certain emojis.
  5. Hello everyone:


    I was a Sprint customer from 2011-2013. I tried to ride off the storm but eventually could not stand the slow data speeds from Sprint so I paid the ETF and jumped over to at&t. Tremendous improvement.


    So now Sprint has been catching my attention with some great new deals and I am tempted to switch back but the main questions is: has Sprint improved?


    Is their data and calling much better? Are data speeds reliable and fast?


    I live in NYC and I would appreciate everyone's input. I don't want to switch and later regret it. Please be honest and don't trash Sprint either.


    I know they are still working on their network but I would switch back only if their network and data speeds have improved.

    What parts of nyc do you work, live and play in? Overall huge improvement but some neighborhoods are still improving.
  6. I continued to receive MMS after the initial merge, but through Sprint and not Google Voice (in hangouts). I thought this would allow me to receive MMS via Google voice in hangouts on any device I was signed in to (tablet, computer, work phone etc) as well as send/receive MMS via Google voice in hangouts on a data only connection.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Some people (or all) weren't able to get mms from certain carriers. I think all functionality with the apps are the same it's just an interoperability thing with those North American carriers. Or so I thought.
  7. Is this going to be implemented in a new update? Or does it not work with Sprint full integration? MMS still go to my Sprint phone as normal, but not through Google Voice.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I don't think the Google voice app will be updated. Thus is for those merged voice and hangouts that weren't receiving mms at all.
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