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Everything posted by A2CKilla

  1. well alright then, guess I'll just keep a look out (even though a lot of things did match) and my device got it all the time up until towards the end of last month, so I doubt it just all of a sudden it said, nah, you don't need it. But I digress, but I do see what everyone talks about from this forum, a lot of hostility, and this was the first time I posted, we're suppose to be here for a common cause, not act like this towards anyone that asks questions or brings some info to the table about something going on in their neck of the woods , but once again, I digress
  2. Nothing is wrong with it, but coming from 30Mbps+ speeds to that, well, wouldn't you say the same? (heck I have 105Mbps at home, so I see a difference, but once again, not complaining, just asking questions and stating things) wow, seem a little hostile, once again, coming from 30Mbps to being cut in half if not more, how can anyone say it's okay or in my case lackluster (not unusable, just lackluster, there is a difference my friend) obviously the towers are being overloaded, and I was just seeing why it seemed like shentel well, just stopped moving at that rabbits pace.
  3. they haven't, it's the same equipment that they first had up 2 years ago as it's overloaded now from what I can tell, and from the looks of it (only because a lot of the pictures match and I saw a lot of the same equipment in baltimore) the spark antennas are up, but not active, and I really wonder why they won't turn them on as it would mean great things for this area (though for whatever reason, they seem to turn SMR800 on and off all the time) as I had that all last month and was happy that it finally got pushed out, (amazing call quality and full signal indoors) then they turned it off again and now it's back to the same old
  4. mmmm, I'd hold your tounge on that one, at least in the york area anyway, it's not the best per say (went from 30Mbps in November of a year or two ago, to a lackluster 5-10Mbps now even on non-peak hours (like now), and I see the network maps as I drive around and spot just about every sprint tower myself when going to work or traveling (like i stated, I live in between 3 towers, work next to two, and have a good knowledge to pinpoint each sprint tower in the area), yes band 25 is great (heck I've been back to my hometown of Baltimore solely to test out band 26 and 41) but it's insanly overloaded, once again, in the york area from what I see, unless I'm right next to the tower, then and only then do I see the speeds I was getting a year or 2 ago and even then I'm lucky if it pushes over or near 20Mbps, but from what I've been seeing, it's like all progress has stopped as I feel like if shentel wanted to (from the way they talked about their way of doing things when I worked for sprint out here) spark would be ready to go here just like it is in philidelphia and baltimore. I applaud them for rolling eveything out so fast (as I first said when I got my note 2, two years ago) but now it's like...well, what's happening
  5. have the upgrades just stopped for the york area, and or PA as a whole??? the service has just been going downhill for the past 2 years, en yet, whenever I pass towers (me being located in between 3 by the way) they HAVE the new spark equipment on them, but nothing is happening
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