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Posts posted by dedub

  1. @Robert, no I don't think it should be 15mbs per customer, I think mc/mb (partitioned) service should get capped about ~15mbs  per tower shared among any/all customers of mc/mb. This would be similar to the same customers sharing a wimax tower.


    So if 3 customers were splitting that 15mbs simultaneously, they would be getting about ~5mbs each on an otherwise unloaded tower.


    If the total load on the tower were high enough to not support their 15mbs, there partitioned service would be shared with the rest of the global capacity of the site.


    Further, if necessary, that shared partition could even be de-prioritized so that primary sprint customers would be even less affected.


    So math-like;


    total load = ((15mbs / # of mbmc customers) / all other sprint customers)


    @AJ we both know that none of us have any of the details and information that both sprint and the other companies have, neither do we know what if anything sprint offered or did not offer or whether it was reasonable. Like so many other conversations and threads that happen here, its all just opinion and conjecture with the occasional educated guess.


    I do know for fact, that as a clearwire customer, sprint offered nothing.


    They did not even offer to convert me to a standard sprint capped data plan with or without any contract, discount or incentive.


    'Sorry, your clear service is being shut down, we can't help you but hey here is another provider who may be able to provide you service; excede '


    They didn't even try.

  2. I only think they should get exactly what service they had before.


    The change in transport should have zero affect on mc/mb services, and mc/mb services should have no more affect on the sprint network than they had on the clear network.


    I have no issue with them throttled to the same/similar speeds as wimax (which actually goes up to ~15mbs according to what my wimax service get).


    So a max ~15mbs unlimited bandwidth shared among any mc/mb customers should have minimal detriment in most cases, and if there are any specific areas of high congestion which are service affecting, then those particular spots can be investigated and determined if there is abuse or if there is some other kind of network issue or lack of backhaul etc.

  3. I guess I'm one of the few, or 1, who supports mobile citizen/beacon.


    These companies leased to sprint/clear their spectrum. Sprint/clear in exchange for said spectrum agreed to provide a certain level of service.


    Sprint uses this spectrum in turn to serve both sprints customers and mobile citizen/beacon customers.


    You can say that mobile citizen/beacon knew of the upcoming transition, but so also has sprint also know of clears (and now sprints) obligations in providing these services to those companies.


    Just because sprint is changing the method of transport, from wimax to lte, does not (or should not) have any affect on the services they were already being provided in exchange for the use of that spectrum.


    These services were obviously working on wimax, there is no reason to believe that sprints ostensibly vastly improved network over the clear network will be materially harmed in continuing the previously provided services for the newer and better transport.



    We’ve also encouraged people, if they find us doing stupid things, to write to us. You’d be amazed at the amount of emails we get on a weekly basis.


    I actually snorted out loud reading this.


    I know every company does a lot of stupid things, but it was just funny to see a Marcelo publicly acknowledge the amount of stupidity they get notified about on a weekly basis and sound proud of that.


    (I understand he is proud of getting people to provide feedback and fixing broken things, not necessarily the amount of broken things).

    • Like 5
  5. http://sprint.m.delivery.net/w/webView?cid=17817688276&mid=1788229483&pid=2140868&vid=1053&ee=ZGF2aWQuYS53cmlnaHRAZ21haWwuY29t&si=&mv=H&bv=H&oc=H&sc=&k=1gbZTh




    With the arrival of the HTC One® A9, there really is no better time to upgrade your phone. Pre-order the new HTC One® A9 for $20/month with Sprint Lease, and get two payments on us.

    What’s new on the HTC One® A9:

    • 13MP camera with optical image stabilization that captures sharper, brighter pictures
    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system puts simplicity and control back in your hands
    • 24-bit Hi-Definition sound for the ultimate listening experience
    $20/mo. for 24 months for well-qualified customer with new-line activation or eligible upgrade. Discount applied after a monthly service credit of $20/mo. for two months. Service credit applies within 3 invoices.
  6. Mark my words sprint will go to all plans being unlimited 2g data with throttling after your high speed bucket runs out.


    Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk



    Im not sure what that guy was reading. All i meant was getting rid of overages on tiered plans.


    Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


    I was just going by the "all plans". To me, this implied that you were saying 'all plans' were going to be converted to unlimited 2g + buckets (or would be the only new plans going forward).


    Thanks for the clarification.

  7. No, I think if they turn unlimited plans into 2g unlimited + buckets, then there will be no point in staying with sprint.


    If you're already on a bucket plan and they add 2g unlimited, that would be a bonus.


    Of course if unlimited '2g' is equivalent to 1x speeds, then that really isn't worth squat can you can't do much of anything on a 1x connection.


    If unlimited 2g is equivalent to unloaded cdma speeds (1-3 megs), then that would be at least worth using.


    In any case, if any throttled plan amounts to basically un-usable speed (aka ATT/TMO throttling), then there is no point.

    • Like 3
  8. lte @ ~1mbs is extremely heavily loaded. this likely could be from too many users, or a few users using heavy bandwidth causing an overloaded sector, or less likely it could be overloaded backhaul.


    3g @ ~1mbs is barely loaded. Assuming not a backhaul problem, the lightly loaded 3g is going to feel better than the heavily loaded LTE connection.


    latency greatly affects your perception of network performance.


    see for example satellite can still feel slower than LTE or landline at about the same speeds.


    <insert 'science, yeah!' picture>

    • Like 2
  9. I say that because carriers are offering unlimited data then tries to come up with ways to curve abuse. I've been on several forums where users are posting their 500gb+ usage and comparing them to others. I'm not switching I have unlimited for a reasonable price. My usage falls within reasonable usage range.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    I gotcha, you want expensive tiered for everyone else, while you keep your reasonably priced unlimited. :)

    • Like 1
  10. One thing some of you are forgetting, when comparing a direct2u vs store employee;


    direct2u employees can be managed to a more efficient schedule.


    instead of standing by waiting for random customers to walk into a store, direct2u can maximize efficiency via keeping those employees scheduled in an effective manner.


    further, since sprint could take already existing idle employees at slow stores and send them out to actually increase revenue with minimal additional cost.


    Like AJ said, none of us have any of the information that sprint has to determine if this type of service is costing or generating money.


    Likewise, the same can be said for many of the other arguments that occur here, such as the viability of unlimited data, SERO and other legacy plans, what constitutes a data hog or abuse, just to name a few.


    All these topics and more, sprint has all the information they need or can get that information if they choose to, and most of the time all we have is opinion and conjecture, although possibly having a little bit of educated guessing helps.

    • Like 4
  11. In general, for sprint, the sim stays with the phone.


    You can, swap sims into directly compatible phones (ie iphone 6 to another iphone 6).


    My suggestion is to use the sprint chat or corp store to get a fresh new sim for your G2, then you will be able to activate it with your device and swap active phones back forth without continually having to swap sim cards too.


    The sim in your iphone will simply be inactive (but still attached to your iphone) for the next time you re-activate your iphone.


    Once you do a swap online, you will see how relatively simple the process is.


    the only thing that might be confusing is the whole confirmation about backing/transferring your info between phones, but I simply ignore/cancel that screen and click whatever it is to continue.


    for example, when I go to activate a new phone on my account, I am given the direct option to go back to the most recently used device;


    current m8 > activate new phone > nexus 5 (previous device which I can keep or put a new sim #) or select another inactive device > my original nexus 5 (which died and was replaced), htc m7, note 2, etc.

    • Like 1
  12. You will need a valid working sim compatible with your G2.


    You can swap devices very easily via your mysprint account > activate a new device


    Once a device (and it's sim) have been activated in your account, you can even easilerly (yeah I know it's not a word) swap because sprint remembers your previously activated devices and gives you a list of previous devices to switch to (or switch to a new one which requires the ESN/CIM etc numbers).




    further, when you do a swap via your mysprint account, sprint will email you the setup info including the oft discussed MSL code (of the device you are activating).

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