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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. I think that's for domestic roaming. Ok...so a follow-up question...should those setting be turned on or not? Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  2. Non Sciencetific, but the 3G seems to work well on my my HTC One and it seems to pick-up 4G fairly quickly. As I have mentioned, my phone has grabbed 4G in Tysons VA (even in an office) and in several places in I-495 in the Alexandria VA area and the Arlington VA area. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  3. I'm glad that Facebook works for you and that you get some value out of it. As for your friend that refuses to get a Facebook account, I doubt it from a sense of "pride" or him being a jerk. He may, like me, not want to have the details of his life broadcast to the world. I mean, for example, I don't necessarily want all of my friends and family to know instantly that I just bought a music CD or went to a specific movie. It's not that I am embarrassed, it is just that I want it to be my choice as to who I tell what to. Honestly, part of my dislike is having Facebook shoved down my throat. It seems to have gotten to the point where if a person does not have a Facebook account, they are either hiding something really bad, or are a jerk with no friends. That, is not fair. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  4. Long Talk Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  5. I am not sure about the key sequence, but I know you can get to the Engineering screen with this app... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blueline.signalcheck Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  6. Talk Time Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  7. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned... While riding in a car down I-395, thanks to Signal Check Pro, I notice that there is 4G coverage in Alexandria VA and Arlington VA. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  8. Ok, so one quirk I noticed with the phone is that when I completely toggle off the WiFi antenna using the WiFi widget, after a few minutes, all my data connections are shut off. Several times, I toggled Air Plane Mode, and was able to briefly restore my data connection. Each time, however, a few minutes later, my data connections would shut down again. Once I turned the WiFi antenna back on, the phone instantly reconnected to 3G. Personally, I think it has something to do with the Sprint Connection Optimizer software embedded in the phone. Just so everyone is clear, I am all for using WiFi as much as possible, and do usually. On Friday, however, I decided to manually shut off WiFi because since I cannot connect my phone to the encrypted office WiFi, I thought it might save some battery if the phone did not try to repeatedly connect to the office WiFi. It's no big deal, I just think it is odd that the WiFi antenna must be left on to be able to connect to mobile data. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  9. Big House Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  10. Just my 'two-cents'... I have now had the HTC One for a close to two weeks, and I am VERY Pleased. The processor is totally awesome! No Lag. Also, while I am picking up some of the 4G LTE goodness, the 3G seems to be working fast too. As for 'Blink Feed', I have really grown to like it. I really love that the articles presented ate just enough to give you the main information, but not so long as to start to bore me. The any annoyances is that I cannot change the 'minimalist' Weather and Time Widget on the 'Blink Feed' screen. I know HTC is trying to go with something simple, but honestly it Weather portion of the Widget looks like a Child's drawing. I would love to switch it out with a more traditional version of the Sense Weather and Time Widget. Anyways, as others have mentioned, the keyboard is really easy to use, the screen resolution is awesome, and the sound is great. The 'Beats Audio' kicking-in even makes apps such as the Scout Navigation app sound good. All-in-All, I am VERY Pleased with the phone! A big difference from my previous OG EVO. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  11. I just got the new HTC One, and I too noticed that I seem to get full LTE only in a certain spot in the office I work in Tysons. The building I work in is on International Drive. Weirdly enough I get LTE in the kitchen, which is not near any windows. Well, I hope more LTE sites go active in Tysons soon. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  12. Got my new HTC One from a Sprint Corp store in Tysons Corner VA. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  13. I got the new HTV One [M7] and the Signal Check app works Great! It notifies me when I am in a 4G zone, and give me an details a out the signal strength of the 4G signal (and 3G signal, and 1x). I also really like the chime when I reach 4G signal. Also, yes, I can check the cell site where I'm am getting the 4G signal. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
  14. Ok...so this may be the wrong place to post this, but I don't want to start a new thread, so here goes... I know the HTC One comes 'Stock' with Android 4.1, but so have heard that it might get Android 4.2. What do you all think?
  15. I'll be switching out of my work Blackberry soon. It aha worked well for me, bit I ready to move-on
  16. I'm upgrading to the new HTC One on Friday. I will be downloading the Signal Check app on my new phone, and will be able to finally able to make use of the LTE portion of the app.
  17. My OG EVO rebooted itself 3 times today. I'm looking forward to Friday! I'm on the Pre-Order Wait List and have an Appointment at a Sprint Corporate Store near my work. Looking forward to Friday!
  18. Ya know...I have to agree with others, I think the reason for the 'up-tick' in WiMax connectivity is the reduction of users due to more users moving to LTE devices.
  19. I'm just looking forward to getting my per-ordered new HTC One. My OG EVO is really starting to get on my nerves with the self rebooting and the freezing. (I know...I know...do a Factory Reset...have done that a couple of times in the past...not again...just going to wait for my new phone )
  20. Ok...I.have to ask...since the battery on the HTC One is not removable, how do you perform a 'Hard Reboot' if the phone freezes up?
  21. Thanks for making me feel Macho about going with the Silver HTC One!
  22. <br /><br />I just added my name to a HTC One pre-order list at a Sprint Corporate store and they were only taking orders for the silver.<br /><br /><br />Question...do you think the silver version looks macho enough
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