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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. The problem is that the stock analysts can grow so influential that their prophecies become self fulfilling.


    To illustrate, I'm Mr. Big Time Stock Analyst. I say that company X's stock price is going to fall. People hear that, get worried, and sell their shares in company X. Hence, company X's stock price does fall. Psychological manipulation of markets. What is worse is that I could have a short position in company X's stock, hence stand to gain from a drop in its stock price.


    And that is one reason why I hold the stock market in very low regard. It has become arguably the biggest sham in an already highly imperfect capitalist system.




    Couldn't agree more. There was some analysis that Sprint could revisit the MetroPCS deal if their stock price went up, that opportunity is less likely to happen now. Sprint stock hasn't dropped too far though, about 6% currently. It's a shame that someone with very little insight can manipulate stock like this. Sprint is being aggressive, they know that they need to be aggressive to compete, and they didn't need bankruptcy to learn that lesson. Now if Clearwire would get more aggressive instead of relying on Sprint handouts.

  2. Is Engadget right when they call this quad-core chip based on A9 and not A15?...


    I hope they are wrong on that, but the source article also says that it is A9 based.


    But it also says that it doesn't include an integrated baseband. This could be 2 different stories that were erroneously linked.

  3. I went to the article on WSJ and there is a hilarious comment of a guy ripping Moffet apart


    Rob Lopez Wrote:

    Every time Sprint make sometype of improvement, there is always a P.O.S. AT&T loving analyist from some firm that feel that over the weekend, they had to rubbed their magic genie lamp and now they have all of the answers. Well, Mr. Moffett, it's kind of amazing how you can spew out your wonderful analytical BS while hidding your opinion under the umbrella of freedom of the press. There should be sometype of clause within the umbrella that holds you to sometype of accountability for making damaging remarks. Maybe with any luck, the company that you work for will take a second look at how you have tainted the name of Bernstein. With any luck, you too will be in the bread line.

  4. Guys...


    Duffman's top post in this thread quotes the full text of an article from behind the WSJ paywall. That is a big no no and could get Robert hit with a copyright violation lawsuit, which would likely mean the end of S4GRU.


    Robert cannot realistically follow every single thread, but we certainly do not want to get him in hot water, nor lose our favorite online hangout. So, please know the posting guidelines (linked below) and help remind each other to follow the guidelines.






    Nice catch, I saw a similar article on yahoo so I didn't even pay attention to the initial quote.

  5. haha na wont catch me doing that. 32nm is a solid move from 40nm. no one has a quad out at all right now thats better than 40nm and it'd take a hell of a 28nm chip to best the one discussed esp if this chip is Cortex-A15...Any clue what the GPU is in the thing?


    There was another article on Engadget that mentioned that they would be making their own GPU, but there is not really any specifics.


    The A9 cores are paired with Sammy's own GPU, an OpenGL ES 2.0-capable chip with four pixel processors. According to the company, the new CPUs deliver a 26 percent boost in performance and up to a 50 percent increase in battery life.



  6. He may be speaking to the fact that AT&T is announcing markets left and right whereas Sprint has not officially announced much of anything. If it wasn't for S4GRU.com, there would be virtually nothing out there on how Sprint is doing, there would be no dates for devices, and they would look like they were floundering.


    I think Sprint stock will tumble for now, then once they start announcing completion of markets, it will come back up. This downgrade is not good in the short-term for cash flow. Hopefully Hesse has a rabbit to pull out of his hat because investers may start calling for his head if this continues.

  7. It looks like the Jet will best the GNex with a higher performance processor and gorilla glass 2. GNex doesn't have expandable memory, but I don't know if the Jet will either, rumor says no. The battery in the GNex is removable, and the Jet is rumored to not be removable. HTC is supposed to be putting really nice cameras in their One line where the GNex is a good camera, but not elite. There always seem to be plenty of developers for HTC devices, so you can't really give either platform a nod on the custom ROM dept. Then it depends on how much value you put on the design of the handset, Sense and Beats Audio. Either phone is going to be really good. It partially depends on if you want 2 extra months with a new handset.

  8. A Samsung exec said that The Quad-core will be in the GSlll and it's LTE ready.



    "An unnamed Samsung exec hinted to the Korea Times that its upcoming flagship, the Galaxy S III, will include a next-gen quad-core Exynos chip that will incorporate LTE and WCDMA radios."


    " The executive said the development of the all-in-one chip is complete and its simply a matter of sticking them inside smartphones."




    That will surely push the Galaxy SIII to the front of everyone's wish list. If they follow the rumors that they will allow you to bypass touchwiz, and also put a big removable battery in there and allow microSD expansion... There might be a legit threat to iPhone's market share.


    Edit: Sorry, I admit that was uncalled for.

  9. Saw this today.

    Bernstein believes the next generation LTE iPhone will be badly disadvantaged on Sprint's network, which will impact sales, and that the company doesn't have enough spectrum to offer a competitive 4G offering. Price target lowered to $1.75 from $2.50.


    This might depress their price further. It will be a cheap time to buy, but losing any more value off of their share price will hurt their NV project.



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