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Posts posted by pyroscott

  1. I'm in a similar situation. April 1st is upgrade eligibility time and my Evo 4G sees the writing on the wall. I need a little more information before I can be confident I'm making an informed decision. Will Sprint's version of the GNex have the verizon or Plus specs?


    It appears it will have the Verizon stats, but I can't say for sure. I thought I remembered seeing something stating that it will be the same as Verizon, but I can't find it ATM.


    How do those specs compare to that of the Jet? - which I hope will be leaked before CTIA.


    What is known about the Jet is here in the s4gru blogs: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-119-htc-evo-successor-to-jet-onto-the-scene-june-10th/ and my comparison is above.


    How long will Sprint lockout the lte on these devices while markets trickle online? DC is a second rounder, so I'm fairing better than most, but no hope for even cluster lte might be what I need to wait for a device that isn't months old specs the day of launch.


    This is completely detailed in this blog on s4gru: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-117-confirmed-sprint-targeting-april-15th-for-galaxy-nexus-launch/ The 4G LTE will NOT be "locked out" on any of the devices. It will not be on by default and kill your battery looking for service. If you want to turn it on, you are free to do so. and as the previous blog details:

    It is anticipated that Sprint will offer sometime in June the ability for the Galaxy Nexus to go into LTE Self Discovery mode, where the device will be able to search for a LTE signal on it is own, and turn LTE off itself automatically if it cannot connect to LTE 1900.
  2. Well its tough to go data crazy with 200kbps speeds...lol


    Now once they have NV out and ppl are able to pull data 5x as fast in places like mine, they might re-think it...maybe that bundled T1 backhaul is the secret to being able to afford giving Unlimited data plans. Lol


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


    LOL, yeah, I could never have used enough data to make a difference on my slow 3G speeds.

  3. That would be a bad idea-- in that space, they can run a 2x EVDO carrier setup for better performance. Also, EVDO is approved for use in ESMR and has about a dozen handsets in the field that support it. LTE is not yet approved in ESMR and there are no devices presently planned to support LTE in ESMR. I would think that IF they ever do any LTE in ESMR it will be after 2013 and it will be a 5x5 alongside a 1xA long after iDEN is gone. Between now and then, the 1xA is there and if they have enough holes from iDEN decommissioning, EV carriers can make good use of that space. Based upon VZW's experience, Sprint shouldn't expect more than 5-8% LTE penetration per year initially. This means the majority of the handsets in use as late as the end of 2016 will still be 3G EVDO only, but will support it in PCS and ESMR. Time will tell.

    I think Sprint will see LTE conversion much quicker than Verizon. Sprint has a lot more techies that will buy the LTE phones right away.

  4. Not as much as you'd think because the punishment is severe and not worth it...

    Everything is monitored so heavily its sickening, but also for the greater good.

    Example at the hedge fund if i bought a stock in my personal account I was not allowed to trade that stock for 3 trading sessions at work because I could necc buy my personal and then push it up with the work account bc of the capital I had to available to deploy, then sell the personal higher...big nono if caught.


    Had to do compliance stuff every year for it. It may happen but the amount is small compared to what it could be...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


    Interesting. Good to see that it is closer monitored than I thought.

  5. Well, Sprint will, without a doubt, have a pile of markets that will be announced as "live" by the time the iPhone is released (even if the city is only 10% complete). The iPhone will still do 3G, have unlimited data on Sprint and have the promise of LTE coming. I don't think Sprint will have much problem selling iPhones. They may not draw the new customers that they did with the 4S, but most people that buy iPhones have no idea what 4G even is and won't even figure out that their data speeds aren't what was advertised. The only thing Sprint has to worry about, IMO, is getting Apple to put LTE on the Sprint version of the iPhone.

  6. I think that it should be a bonus to those who shell out the full price for post paid contracts. Prepaid is fine for some, but it's the same reason I don't use a regional carrier. I think that a prepaid company could negotiate with vz att sprint and t mobile and offer coverage using all the carriers, but phones and plans would be expensive and it isn't really feasible.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    How about firmware updates to make the volume buttons reprogrammable for use with ptt? I could see that working.


    The free ptt apps have the ability to use the volume button or camera button all you have to do is map whatever you want to use in the settings. I was thinking a ptt button would differentiate the app from just any other app. It would give sprint the appearance that they have something different and exclusive. I would like to see them propose an additional button to apple though LMAO


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  8. Are they going to charge for using this service? I remember them trying to charge me $10 per month for SDC on my Renegade and I didn't use it enough to make it worth it then. Now there are free alternatives out there. Makes it a lot more difficult to convince people to pay for it. They would have to add something.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  9. I'm sorry if I'm upset, and it's not just from an investment view. I'm upset as a Sprint customer this man is trying to put Sprint into a category that they shouldn't fall in. They are doing everything they can to survive in the wireless wars, but his partiality is to another carrier, and he must be bitter that at&t didn't buy T-Mobile, so he's downplaying Sprint to eliminate them from the Battle of the Carriers.


    I'm upset by his comments and I don't own stock or have sprint service currently. I just think that he has crippled what sprint is trying to accomplish in the short term so he and his cronies can transfer some more wealth through a volatile stock. They just prey on the naive and hurt the companies they use.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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