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Everything posted by el_oh_el88

  1. Fresher than a pillow with a mint on it

  2. Cause they being sneaky«@SympleeJas I've noticed it's more dudes with protected tweets than there are ladies.. It's just twitter lol»

  3. No class today... So after my morning route....SLEEP

  4. Real«@ThowedOffTrell I can rlly go without seeing these cake ass Niggas retweeted on my timeline. Bitch he just want some pussy, dumb hoe»

  5. Im sure some enterprising dev would do it. It actually sounds quite easy to create a widget that reads the lte signal within the phone and displays it, but unfortunately i can't code yet
  6. The recession never gets old

  7. Man a sunroof gives a completely different feeling to a car

  8. Call me a nerd, and but there aren't many things better than gaining meaningful knowledge in my opinion

  9. Mayor parker on @979TheBox ...nice mini interview

  10. Hell on earth«@_LaBEAUTE_ Air condition went out at my place; somebody help me ????????????»

  11. «@itsCharronHoe My baby in PreK but they keep his ass at school the WHOLE day! #imWinning» man winning aint the word

  12. taste good AND help me not sleep in class. what more can a nigga ask for

  13. Aw man, bill Cosby is dead???

  14. Where have we heard that before...oh yeah..you tweeted the same thing this past new years. Guess no change eh

  15. With the amount of wise quotes you see on Twitter one would think to encounter less dumb fucks in real life...

  16. Lol make up ya mind with that dude...

  17. School tomorrow..oh shit

  18. Hungry den a biiitch

  19. Enema«@_LaBEAUTE_ White girls dip their tampons in alcohol and then stick it in their vaginas so they can get drunk faster. -___-»

  20. Why this girl on fb got these niggas thinkin they can get a bmw with 1g down? Lmao...maybe with a 850 credit score

  21. I'm extra late..but that mercy video is extra stupid

  22. Hate being late to work

  23. I was thInkIn the same for my son..he stay up all nIte«@MissPretty_22 Gotta start her on her Skool schedule 4 Monday...»

  24. Big ass waste of time

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