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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @RadioFreeTom: What the fuck is wrong with you? https://t.co/v5X8dR00ot

  2. RT @emptywheel: I know people in my timeline think the Khans are powerful. I do too! But are polls showing that among low-info voters?

  3. RT @AndyRichter: Back in my day when we found a Pokémon we had to beat it to death with a rotary phone

  4. RT @MaxBoot: We already knew Trump doesn't like soldiers that were captured.Now we learn he doesn't like families of soldiers who were ki…

  5. RT @TheFienPrint: @HitFix “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” star? Gracious. @sepinwall is turning over in his grave.

  6. RT @Taniel: Utah's Republican Lieutenant Governor tweets his daughter's thoughts on Trump: https://t.co/0ayTQNUjIW

  7. RT @AJENews: Syria:Al-Nusra splits from al-QaedaAl Jazeera obtains video confirming riftUS: They're still "terrorists"https://t.co/eFhr…

  8. Maybe the first non-incumbent candidate ever to run against the Magic Lantern theory of presidential power. #DemsInPhilly

  9. RT @archpics: There is a skyscraper in Japan that has a highway passing through its fifth, sixth and seventh floors. https://t.co/x0Lgs21A0A

  10. RT @dmataconis: 'Babylon 5' Star Jerry Doyle Dead at 60 https://t.co/3HL4cYZ2L3

  11. RT @Jason_M_Kelly: Lincoln University's decision to suspend its #history major ignores W.E.B. Du Bois's important vision https://t.co/PW8HK…

  12. RT @YahooForde: Alarming lack of alphabet diversity in leadership positions. Bears looking into. https://t.co/y8DCla1Ro2

  13. RT @_alastair: Worth noting this is not an official Reddit AMA (like Obama's was), it's done by the /r/the_donald subreddit https://t.co/1…

  14. RT @chronicle: Let's forget the politics and ask: If Mrs. Clinton’s plan passed, what would happen to the higher-ed landscape? https://t.co…

  15. RT @emayfarris: Every college should make a data literacy class mandatory. https://t.co/FZR8TgMEBw

  16. Thus ends my public opinion fieldwork for the year.

  17. RT @SopanDeb: Trump tells @CBSMiami that he "absolutely" has no outstanding loans from Russian banks/investors. "It's ridiculous." https://…

  18. Or before or after (or even secular). It really depends on when the desegregation order went into effect. https://t.co/6owiBBVFFX

  19. RT @telegraphga: Follow #MidGaRunoff for updates from Telegraph reporters about tonight's six elections https://t.co/Tg5x2WWBl7

  20. Well, yes, hence the expense. You want n=500+ Hispanics to get within ±5% MOE, you're likely calling 3000+ people. https://t.co/TuGfk0jWKJ

  21. RT @marceloclaure: If anyone can better integrate solar into infrastructure design/planning, it’s @elonmusk https://t.co/v21RxX0hbl https:/…

  22. Um, why doesn’t Trump have eyeballs? https://t.co/u6N3FljokG

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