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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @stinson: Also wonder if China's GPS offset = death by autopilot. https://t.co/qFC5YxbMDs

  2. Huh, I guess I'm suing Duke too. Wonder if they'd give me Tallman Trask's old job as a settlement. https://t.co/R4D36yjjvx

  3. RT @lachlan: Marijuana is a totally debilitating drug. Just ask Michael Phelps - he can barely move with all that gold around his neck.

  4. RT @BreakingNews: Supreme Court of Belize: Criminal code that penalized same-sex intercourse is unconstitutional -Breaking Belize News http…

  5. RT @trnsprtst: "Ethics Theater" - The use of online training slideshows and multiple choice quizzes to satisfy government ethics requiremen…

  6. RT @EsotericCD: Noted Russian asset claims Russians not responsible for hacking exploit Russians were clearly responsible for. This is my s…

  7. RT @jason_pontin: Well, this technically accurate. The 1st Amendment protects all but "real threats". Incitement are fine. https://t.co/XPJ…

  8. RT @morganherlocker: if we reject automation in OSM, nobody is going to map the parts of the world that need the data most. HT @planemad ht…

  9. RT @emayfarris: FYI #APSA2016 - Philadelphia To Its Residents: Don't Swim In Dumpsters https://t.co/eP0ZiicDoZ

  10. RT @darinself: Trump campaign escorting people out of event as they hold up pocket constitutions. https://t.co/pkUUGdrYr6

  11. But I thought big donors were bad for politics and small donors were great. That's what Democrats keep saying. https://t.co/GTAe43wlve

  12. RT @rneppell: "What's this gap on your resume?""I was in jail.""Heard you worked for Trump.""No, definitely jail." https://t.co/s69xT…

  13. RT @DLin71: Transcript of Jill Stein campaign event https://t.co/FDUvGK9FTD

  14. RT @GovGaryJohnson: No worries, Jedediah. I will be on your ballot when you need me. https://t.co/9nQpO7ulil

  15. RT @SwiftOnSecurity: "Find another career," motherfucker? (via @alivitali) https://t.co/ujTDqmuIxp

  16. RT @HKellenbergerCL: My review of "Last Chance U," which is often interesting but leaves its biggest question unanswered. https://t.co/9n1q…

  17. RT @BretBaier: We didn't take either 1- actually. I would have aired both but each show controlled which speeches they took live https://t…

  18. RT @Amuk3: 7/31/16 4:55 pm - Jill Stein realizes she can't afford to alienate her base: nut jobs. https://t.co/hIXaEL2NLM

  19. RT @superwuster: No SF writer predicted that human-robot interaction circa 2016 would consist of shouting "agent! agent!" at a telephone

  20. RT @NonWhiteHat: Oh please. This is a contest on which compulsive liar is less vicious, not between an honest politician and a liar. https:…

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