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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @jimgeraghty: Yeah, it's just awful when a presidential campaign spotlights grieving family members to win votes, right? https://t.co/jU…

  2. Nah, none of these people will personally blame Donald Trump, right? https://t.co/EQDwQ25apB

  3. RT @SopanDeb: On 6/28, Trump decried difficulty for Syrian Christians to come to U.S. Per Manafort today, plan now is to ban them. https://…

  4. RT @smotus: How much longer can I realistically go without learning about this story? https://t.co/WnpJQPRCaA

  5. RT @ass_deans: A helpful Monday reminder that the administrative path is the BE$T path.

  6. RT @iboudreau: Treating midwesterners like you're Jane fucking Goodall is WAY more elitist than dumping on Mike Pence for eating at a NY Ch…

  7. RT @MelanieShebel: Retweet if you appreciate both Vincent Price and mozzarella cheese sticks. https://t.co/gmQnAUdRfp

  8. RT @minebocek: New answer for when students ask "When would I use statistics?": Which do you pick on Amazon -- 4.5★ w/ 90 reviews or 4★ w/…

  9. RT @commiegirl1: wow, Mike Pence really knew how to get Trump's attention. You cannot tell me that wasn't on purpose. https://t.co/aJT2vl…

  10. RT @petersuderman: On Trump's oddly sexual new campaign logo: https://t.co/B1FrmZQcmh

  11. RT @rneppell: .@rumpfshaker But at least Trump's pulling historically unprecedented numbers among black voters!

  12. RT @celebrityhottub: this is A- photo selection; A+ would have been a picture of Grimace https://t.co/WUpcxgugok

  13. RT @Robert___Harris: Labour Party has effectively ceased to exist tonight.120,000 members disenfranchised. Local meetings banned. No respon…

  14. Just put the American government slides in Github too. https://t.co/avcnE4rVZU #OER

  15. RT @aedwardslevy: if Indiana's governor is wise, he'll stay out of the veepstakes speculationeveryone knows the Pence is mightier than th…

  16. Charles and David Koch are actually, uh, two distinct people. https://t.co/WzIEHl2MpO

  17. RT @ass_deans: Just because I asked you to spend a year on that report doesn't mean I am going to read it. That issue was so Chronicle 2015!

  18. RT @emayfarris: Q: Should I write a horse race coverage piece on this election?A: No. Always no. https://t.co/9Z6LoCgAdR

  19. RT @UK__News: BREAKING: Theresa May is now Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. https://t.co/EZfzdhivgL

  20. RT @TheEconomist: With all its references to the 1984 original, "Ghostbusters" lacks an identity of its own https://t.co/GwyTJniOGw https:/…

  21. RT @PollsAndVotes: It's @MULawPoll eve so it must be late dinner at Elsa's! https://t.co/Ny9fY0jEjt

  22. RT @radleybalko: Hard to overstate awfulness of this NC law. In response to exposures of police brutality, pols reduce transparency. https…

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