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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @ironicaccount: that Oculus Rift kickstarter sure had weird stretch goals

  2. RT @whinecough: Yet, somehow, the field of IPE is still arguing about how trade preferences are formed. They mostly *aren't* formed. https:…

  3. RT @WinthropPoll: Can someone make a .gif of the scene in Fight Club where 'narrator' beats himself up in his boss' office and name it "U.S…

  4. RT @NoahCRothman: Not just Millennials. Clinton has a third-party problem among Hispanic voters, too. https://t.co/lM9CMbIb8w https://t.co/…

  5. .@darinself no electoral democracy in the world is as institutionally unfavorable to minor party development as the US.

  6. RT @jtlevy: It's like they've never ever seen a movie and have no clue how this ends, part of a continuing series. https://t.co/BbU3ql1lic

  7. RT @Ihnatko: Public Garden. Elderly British tourist, telling husband to put the camera down. “No! You _always_ take me from behind!!” I ne…

  8. RT @timurkuran: Small acts of defiance are delegitimizing Iran's theocracy. In time, they will bring it down. This scenario played out with…

  9. RT @UTKLaw: College of Law Dean Responds to Professor’s Twitter Post: https://t.co/RXegkeqfMP

  10. RT @BullCityVA: Relatively easy: are they holding signs and chanting or throwing reporters into flaming trashcans? https://t.co/PeyB5JExpy

  11. RT @JSwiftTWS: Trump's campaign says his hat is the "most popular product in America."Take that, Apple!

  12. Well, I'm part-Latino, so now i'm just confused. https://t.co/8fhEkEXiDF

  13. RT @GreenCarReports: Yes, we've driven the 2017 #Toyota #Prius #Prime. No, we can't talk about it yet. #anticipation https://t.co/emFDLBlA0c

  14. Indeed, I think AT&T has basically decided not to bother expanding U-verse any more now they have DirecTV. Even in markets where it's "deployed" like Memphis it's not available in all areas, and it's completely missing in action even in mid-size cities like Macon so they've essentially ceded the broadband market to cable (Cox here), even in new developments with fiber. Honestly in hindsight AT&T and Verizon should have been required to divest their ILEC landline operations when they were formed, but I don't think anyone foresaw the degree to which they could use wireless to avoid investing in landline operations and upgrades.
  15. RT @Fahrenthold: This would be so weird if @realDonaldTrump were not a major party's nominee for president. https://t.co/RfSc2JX2ui

  16. RT @PacificLegal: A $50 ticket for trying to sell your car? San Juan Capistrano's ban on for-sale signs sparks lawsuit — https://t.co/ZXIuD…

  17. I'm mildly bemused that the big story today seems to be AT&T's "AirGig" proposal for millimeter-wave broadband, which is still in the lab, despite Sprint already demonstrating basically the same technology in public this summer. The more the merrier, I guess.
  18. RT @samir: How many kids will be born in 9 months from now named TMZ Breaking News Brangelina Divorce

  19. RT @CityAM: London School of Economics lecturer to divorce actor husband https://t.co/zwlA6qqzwy https://t.co/UlDMMB4m6R

  20. RT @AcademiaObscura: Holy shit! Check out et al.'s Google Scholar profile! https://t.co/pdxIhZlPwc | HT @DingemanseMark (https://t.co/dJV…

  21. RT @sportspickle: Carrie Underwood will wait all day next Sunday for Bears-Cowboys. Get that woman some help.

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