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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @greggutfeld: thought experiment: Hillarys a widow or divorced. would surrogates like Newt still defend trumps behavior without Bill aro…

  2. RT @EsotericCD: This is the sort of temper tantrum that utterly thrills #MAGA fans and just looks fairly pathetic to everyone else. https:/…

  3. RT @NBCLatino: Controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been formally charged with criminal contempt of court. https://t.co/axkbptoeQY

  4. RT @Khanoisseur: Hannity: No one's been killed bc of WikileaksFormer US Amb to Russia: My friend was killed bc WL outed him as supporter…

  5. RT @isamuel: Yes—SS worked in the Manhattan DA’s office, for crying out loud! https://t.co/VH1b2hipU9

  6. RT @trumwill: This is disrupting and needs to be banned. https://t.co/TLqAoZFSRQ

  7. RT @GideonResnick: Trump used small donors’ money to buy nearly $300K worth of books from the publisher of Art of the Deal last month https…

  8. RT @MegKinnardAP: FULL STORY: Midlevel plan premiums under President Obama's health care law to increase by average of 25% next year: https…

  9. RT @David_Boaz: Still in 2016 we arrest more people for drugs than any other “crime” @GovGaryJohnson #202live

  10. RT @smotus: Seriously, there are 53 separate contests on my ballot. At @PacificStand, I argue that's too many. #copolitics https://t.co/TiH…

  11. Fans of #TheWalkingDead: from a Georgia taxpayer, you're welcome for my helping pay for your TV show that I don't care about.

  12. The almost total absence of any discussion of electoral institutions in this explanation suggests it is incomplete. https://t.co/FZtYcucenp

  13. RT @DanielleAlberti: A Facebook friend shared this TripAdvisor ad that she got while staying in Riyadh. Huge social media failure. https://…

  14. That's also the electoral map if only every Trump supporter voted. https://t.co/yoAchMvKpp

  15. RT @anthonyLfisher: Boy, get a load of those uber-villains depriving Floridians of a sweet money-losing corporate handout. https://t.co/UvR…

  16. RT @TimothySandefur: “‘Michael Moore in TrumpLand’ might've been illegal before Citizens United--hard to say. And that's the problem. https…

  17. RT @pollsterpolls: 2016 Georgia President - Trump 44%, Clinton 42% (Abt SRBI Inc/Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10/17-10/20) https://t.co/Fye…

  18. RT @trumwill: It seems to say something that despite this it's Republican candidates who are more likely to pander on this. https://t.co/er…

  19. RT @ddale8: America has three months left with a funny president.

  20. RT @Corsair8X: Remember when @20committee said Snowden might be a diversion to cover the real Russian mole? https://t.co/3Q00SJKxIN

  21. Sponsored ad on my FB stream says I should give money to Trump and "join the big league," so I guess that settles it. #bigly

  22. RT @julianku: In sum, Duterte ready to ditch 70-year US alliance for vague Chinese promises of future investment. https://t.co/Mfj0OFRQ4i

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