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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @dandrezner: Could be a moonlighting @jtlevy... RT @jbarro There's a new trainer at my gym who looks just like Edward Snowden

  2. RT @ipolisci: Ignore the part of the "nazi gun". What is interesting is the willingness of the GOP to use data analytics. http://t.co/X8OLS…

  3. RT @JassySpeaks1st: Good piece on why ag-gag laws, restricting investigations of farms, are serious threat to #1stAmendment http://t.co/IA1…

  4. RT @pourmecoffee: Washington Post announcing that the good printer, the one by the stairs that hardly ever jams, going to join Ezra Klein a…

  5. RT @dandrezner: The extent to which @terrycrews is crushing it on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is astonishing.

  6. And in the small universe department, my former boss is briefly seen at 1:11 in the video.
  7. RT @Suntimes: "Life Itself" - the Roger Ebert documentary - has a theatrical distribution deal http://t.co/kEIhgcqV4Z http://t.co/dcLcleeRSu

  8. RT @jtlevy: Academics: please go sign the @henryfarrell / Corey Robin CT open letter on academic freedom and anti-ASA legislation http://t.…

  9. RT @PolSciReplicate: Is #replication a “cheap” way for authors to have their work published in good political science #journal? http://t.co…

  10. Strange, I've had @twitter redesign everyone seems to be complaining about for at least a week.

  11. A 1/30 chance of not completing a call as opposed to a 1/10 (or 1/5!) chance of your call not going through is a "narrow margin" for Sprint? Okaaay...
  12. RT @Popehat: BYU wants you to talk to your roommate about masturbation. Ironically that's what your roommate is imagining. http://t.co/xnA…

  13. RT @bbcworldservice: Inside Pyongyang University, where North Korea's elite are taught by Americans http://t.co/or5LRsCEBT http://t.co/KgCB…

  14. RT @BBCWorld: Transport for London says London buses could become cashless from the summer. http://t.co/9L2bLdz3a0 http://t.co/HqsER2aTvc

  15. The only known issue at this point is that N5s bought from T-Mobile (and possibly from other carriers that sell the North American version of the N5, such as the various Canadian carriers that sell it) do not seem to be in Sprint's database; if Google or Sprint sold it to you directly, you should be fine.
  16. RT @DanBeebe: Going to be devastating for Pete Carroll when an investigation later shows that the entire Seahawks roster was being paid. #r

  17. Did I mishear, or is the new Maserati called a "Gigli"? Doesn't sound appealing.

  18. RT @bomble: Bill Maher To Become Poster Child for Defenders of Citizens United | Election Law Blog http://t.co/zu6zdBDLQQ

  19. The problem with that strategy is: what happens when AT&T and/or Verizon buy them up? Sprint is likely to lose a lot of roaming coverage on ex-Alltel as those contracts expire, particularly in the AT&T areas where 1X is only maintained for roaming revenue. Sprint can't afford to lose many more roaming partners, since that will mean paying even more money to Verizon or having reduced roaming coverage (regressing to a T-Mobile-like footprint in many areas). Even wholesale network sharing deals are no guarantee of adequate coverage; see nTelos' foot dragging on LTE and before that EVDO. Not to mention that there's no guarantee roaming partners will deploy compatible networks going forward as voice migrates to VoLTE. There's only so many LTE bands you can cram in a handset. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  20. RT @prisonrodeo: Friday afternoon. Superbowl weekend. Who says academics don't know how to do a news dump? http://t.co/25ggkKqmTH

  21. RT @jacobsullum: DOJ promises more commutations but despite 9,000 petitions needs help finding people to free: http://t.co/9nMSimB3Vv #clem

  22. Honestly, I can't see the FCC approving a merger between Sprint and T-Mobile without the merged entity supporting BYOP (which means keeping both 1x and GSM/WCDMA for quite a while), agreeing to a mandatory buildout of at least basic voice and data service to something like 90-95% of POPs to ensure there is a real third carrier alternative for most Americans, a heavier market buildout requirement on PCS G than "substantial service," and committing to rural fixed broadband deployment on 2500/2600. If the FCC wants Legere-style market disruption with 3 carriers instead of 4, they want it on a national scale to keep the big two honest, rather than metro-only competition.
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