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Posts posted by Galaxyguy

  1. I'm not very impressed by the S5. I can't believe they didn't even up the RAM from the S4.


    I think I've narrowed my list to S4t, a Note 3 (only if a new tri-band version is released), or possibly a Nexus 5. My upgrade (if it still exists) is in July.


    I could always try to wait for the Note 4 but I don't know if I can hold off that long. It would be a 2 to 3 more months to wait. Not sure if I have that much self control.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


  2. So who else lost service tonight? Looks like everything is back working again. I heard from a source at Shentel that a fiber line went down which caused the outage. Not really sure how accurate that is though. Weird thing was I couldn't make any calls on my work phone which is a 1900mhz only phone but my personal phone was able to make calls on 800. Not sure why. All data was down though for everyone.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


  3. I had a conversation in the past few days with a Shentel/Sprint technician. This is a tech who works on the towers, not one in a store. He said LTE800 should go live very soon as all the hardware is in place and it's a simple upgrade to make it go live. LTE2500 equipment is "in" and should start going up soon but he didn't have an exact timeline. I asked him if Shentel and Sprint redid the contract since the last I knew Shentel's current agreement didn't include 2500 but he didn't have any info on that. The fact the equipment has come in, it sounds like a clue to me.


    As far as some other towers that seem to be in limbo, he said there are so many reasons why that can happen. He told me about one tower in particular that the tower owner is putting up a new tower next to the old one and Shentel is waiting to replace the equipment until the new tower is built.   


    Seems like Shentel is doing well and keeping up the quick pace that they had during NV 1.0.

    • Like 3
  4. Best Buy on Virginia Street in Reno, NV as of yesterday ALL their GS4 stock was GS4T (when I asked if they had SPHL720Txx they had NO IDEA what I was talking about, but the manager came over and opened the locked phone storage cabinet so I could see the boxes and every Sprint GS4 they had was a GS4T, SPHL720TWT and SPHL720TBK, white and black repsctively). However at the ONLY Sprint company store in Reno where I'd been earlier in the day yesterday they assured me that ALL GS4 phones ever made had the hardware for Sprint Spark and only needed a software update (they had no idea what they were talking about). When I questioned this further, they went in back and "asked the tech" and came back with the same story. Then when I asked to see the actual box, they brought out a GS4, SPHL720xxx and not a GS4T, SPHL720Txx. So, it's buyer beware, check the model number on the outer box.

    It's amazing how inept cellular reps can be. I've dealt with similar reps who had no technical knowledge whatsoever. I would rather they just say they don't know than make up something that's completely wrong.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  5. VoLTE on 600 will provide decent coverage. It will be closer to closing the VoLTE coverage gap. Put it on 450 like Africa, and maybe close it all together.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    I know you may just be throwing that frequency out there but isn't 450Mhz reserved for public safety in the US?  I know in my area, public safety uses 453 and 458 Mhz. 

  6. Did VZW lose the OnStar contract to AT&T?  I seem to recall reading that.  We probably even discussed it here.




    Yeah, starting with the 2014 model year vehicles, IIRC. All previous models will still use VZW. I'm somewhat surprised they agreed to that since I'm sure it will severely hurt Onstar if VZW just decided to ditch them. 

  7. "AT&T Mobility President and CEO Ralph de la Vega, who also spoke at the media event, said that AT&T will allow customers to add their LTE-enabled vehicles to their Mobile Share plans as an additional device, similar to a tablet or smartphone. AT&T said it will announce pricing for LTE-enabled vehicles when they debut this summer."

  8. I've actually been impressed with the speeds in Woodstock lately. My closest tower is about 3 blocks away and that tower has been slow compared to the others. I would consistently get between 5 and 8 mbps download and about 3 mbps upload. In the past few weeks I've been getting 15-22 down and about 8 up. Not sure what they did but I'm happy with those results. I'm very pleased with Shentel's wireless division. The wired side of the business is another story though.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  9. I highly recommend the factory reset after updating. My phone is behaving better than ever.


    I picked up a galaxy gear pretty cheap and can confirm it does work with the S3 after the update.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  10. After updating to 4.3, one thing I've noticed is when you open a folder on a homescreen, it stays open even after you hit the home button to go back to the homescreen. I think it was when they pushed the last update (when we got the premium suite) they fixed that issued. Now it seems it's back again. Hopefully they'll fix that again as it's pretty annoying. 

  11. Yeah, I paid $150 for mine. It might be a supply/demand thing. It seems like they had quite a bit of interest in these.


    Sprint would probably sell a lot more if they offered a lower plan than just 3GB. If they offered a 2GB for $20 just like Freedompop, I probably would've just went with Sprint. I know you can make your phone a hotspot for $20 but I don't like how all data used, even on your phone while the hotspot is active, counts toward the 2GB. 

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