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Everything posted by mmark27

  1. Hey guys, are you now able to use your fingerprint to authorize purchases in the Google Play Store? I'd assume yes. I'd ask my wife, but she doesn't have her fingerprint enabled on her S6 despite my numerous suggestions it's the fastest way to unlock the phone.
  2. S6 update just went live on Sprint. Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  3. Confirmed, my wife's phone is getting it now Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  4. I haven't heard any complaints to this point. Just elation at being able to control the peek notifications.
  5. So far the 3 people on Verizon I know with 6.0.1 on their Note5's say nothing but good things. Faster feel and fingerprint scanner, battery life is the same, no lag. I hope that holds for ours as well. I'm tired of mashing the System Update -> Update Now button every morning, such a disappointing message "The latest updates have already been installed."
  6. I know, right?! That's a slap in the face to Sprint! Buy hey, Sprint usually was the first in the history of updates. I'm sure it won't be long. I can only assume there is some network based issue that is the hold up....or maybe they're just prepping the release now.
  7. Dudes, http://goo.gl/qG4rXt Verizon pushed their Note5 update!
  8. Agreed, I'd probably go S7 edge if I were in the market now. Waterproof, almost same screen size, and SD card access. All specs are bumped up. Plus 3700mAh battery. Also that Galaxy for Life plan! For sure! Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  9. I always have it on auto brightness. This was a stand-by test though, where I wasn't touching the phone at all.
  10. Just a sample of my normal drain here. This is only 1 hour, but if I leave it for several hours (I know, who can possibly do that), it slows the rate to about 1-2% an hour. So maybe overnight, I'd lose 20%? Hard to say, never did that before. I don't limit anything, I have FB app installed and I have a lot of things syncing all the time. This is on B26 LTE, which isn't strong here in my office. (the time left is based on my usage, which I use it a lot) EDIT: I also have an Android Wear watch synced to this at all times. I know that makes the battery worse as well.
  11. What the heck are you guys doing? I don't see that kind of drain. Wipe out your cached data through settings->storage and then wipe the cache partition via recovery menu. I do that weekly and I don't see anything like what you're describing. If I just set my phone down and don't touch it for a while, it loses very little battery.
  12. Hidden features? I don't know about that exactly, most of the things are just Android things in general, which you likely already know about. Definitely enable developer mode and speed up animations, IMO, it makes a difference: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/speed-up-your-android-by-adjusting-animation-settings/ I used the S-pen for the first 2-3 weeks, now the only reason I touch it is because it came unclicked on the base accidentally and I have to click it back down. Thought I would use this more, but I don't, turns out. Disable all of Samsung BS, like S-Voice and any other S-application that you can if you won't use it. Beware the roaming settings reset to stock (which is no data roaming, plus a nice warning) when you do a profile update. Double click to launch camera is super great and faster than any camera I've seen yet. Should be about 100 times faster than your G3! Use something like Nova Launcher instead of the Samsung stock launcher and if you use a Material Theme (dark or light, etc.) from the Theme Store, you won't really know you're using TouchWiz at all. Lots of options in accessibility like Smart Stay and alternatives to answer your phone/interact with it. They kind of buried it all in this OS version on the Note5. Set up your fingerprint, it's the fastest way to unlock the phone. I've stopped using the Smart lock features (generic android). Keep an eye on Samsung Pay for promotions, even if you don't want to use it, they run promos all the time for activating a card on it. I think likely because they use that as leverage against banks when they say, "hey look how many people use our system!". But you should want to use it. When I had a card that worked with it, it's amazing how well it works. I know others here will agree with me. Not sure how bad it was on the G3, but it's wise to clear out the cache partition occasionally on the Note5. Details and instructions can be found here: http://goo.gl/7G1Cct I tend to do this action once a week or if something odd starts happening like rapid battery drain. Also, go into your phone settings -> Storage -> Cached Data and wipe that out as well. Apps can cache a bunch of data that you don't need anymore. Oh get some wireless chargers and QC2.0. There's a bunch on sale on Amazon today, actually from Aukey. Reliable chargers, I've used them for a couple years. Other than that, it's just a super solid phone. Welcome and enjoy!
  13. I have no idea. It's just an app update, albeit a system app, so I think it should be fine. There were no other effects as far as I can tell.
  14. Galaxy Apps Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  15. Did that this morning, probably is what it says it is, an update to "backup and restore".
  16. The offer should be sitting in the Events section of the settings. However, it's closed on my device as of today
  17. Galaxy Forever announced https://twitter.com/sprint/status/701488667571974144 Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  18. Qbking77's review! Super stoked for one ridiculous thing, being able to silence the charging noise finally! It looks like Sammy made a few nice tweaks and conformed some to what stock Android currently is (double swipe down for quick toggles, etc). Very excited for this. Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  19. Just picked up this case for $13 and prime. Arrived today and have to highly recommend it for those like me who hate cases! Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Case Clear Protective Cover - Black Sapphire https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012AWB37E/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_fh5XwbVK6FX83 Sent from my Sprint Note5 for your reading pleasure
  20. Eh, unless he's joking, he said it was the Cambodian version of the Note5. So yeah, no reason to be excited.
  21. We could be getting close! https://twitter.com/qbking77/status/700734487311745024 I think he uses the T-mobile version though, he used to use Sprint.
  22. I'm in the same boat, my Credit Union is not yet supported and on top of that, they pulled their support for Android Pay as well. They claim both are being added "soon" and then told me that meant the middle of 2016. Sigh, annoying.
  23. I used to think they did this on purpose as well, but I now think they are just this disorganized / have waaaay too many devices to keep up to date. It is nice to see that the SKUs for the S7 lead to it being one piece of hardware for the US with just different software. Might hopefully make their development faster that way? It must if they have one team dedicated to the base and not a team for each variant like they do now. Or at least that's what I have read they have.
  24. I have had my mom's S6 get denied because they said her IMEI wasn't valid. I tried to fight it, but it was just denied again. Strange that they would deny her. It was a brand new S6 and a new Samsung Pay account. Oh well. I too get notifications from this thread and think it might be an update of some sort. RATS! It has to be soon, though, right? All other major manufacturers have beaten them this round, they have to be feeling the pressure.
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