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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Was told over the phone by tech support that the iPhone 5 is a 3G only device and the 9.2 update "accidentally" placed an "Enable LTE" toggle in the settings even though the device doesn't really have it. I know that tech support doesn't get a lot of information but that to me is flat out ridiculous. 




    As if you hadn't already assumed, my mothers iPhone 5 still cannot connect to LTE no matter what.

    That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!



  2. How do I read this? This is getting three dots signal. But average RSRP 138?

    In order to see what dBm you are receiving on a device post-iOS 9, you have to go to Field Test, then exit out of field test and look at your status bar quickly while it still shows the dBm before it changes back to dots.



  3. So with the PRL update and new carrier profile when updating to iOS 9.1, did anyone notice any changes to signal or band switching?


    I know it probably hasn't been long enough...the past few days I've been having some complete drops of coverage so hopefully this resolves it.

    As you said, there hasn't been enough time yet to tell, but I'll be sure to pay attention to it over the next few days.



  4. That works.


    I'm going to try to do a comparison of 56029, 56030 (got it eventually), and 55050 some time this weekend.  I know it won't be perfect, but should be somewhat insightful, at least.


    - Trip

    We eagerly await your analysis! :)




    This new generation just does not get it.  They don't care that getting things "Free" has a cost.  And even free things need to pass a cost/benefit analysis. They will sell tomorrow to do something today.  Where did I go wrong as a parent???


    I don't think it's because you failed as a parent, it's more along the lines of this generation (which, sadly, I'm a part of :( ) has a very big problem with seeing the big picture. Your son, like many others, doesn't care that these "free" things actually have a cost. No, all they care about is the fact that it benefits themselves at this particular point on time. It's very short-sighted, and it greatly worries me that someday I'm going to be living in a world ran by these people. My hope is that it is just a byproduct of not being mature enough to completely understand it.



    • Like 4
  6. Either I have terrible luck or the iPhone 6 quality was never quite up to par.


    I just had my 6 replaced because the home button was getting funky and making that crunching noise. The replacement has a dead pixel...


    The latest one coming via express replacement will be my 7th iPhone 6 in just over a year.


    Am I the only one?


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

    I'm still on my first 6 Plus. Had it since March.



    • Like 2
  7. That was a such thing called a typo. And who is talking about grammar this isn't English class. You said T-Mobile speeds are slowing. I posted a speed test of a T-Mobile line getting faster speeds JUST on band 4 than I saw Sprint or AT&T on multiple bands.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    And just because your backwoods area is doing bad it doesn't reflect the use of others either. So can you please stop spreading bs. You are sounding more and more like a fan boy every post.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    So is yours. Point blank it's too early to tell if BingeOn is having a negative impact on the network.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    You can't comment on markets you yourself haven't visited.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    I'm not even going to start on you sir. Because one you don't know where I reside or where I've been in my life. Moderator or not chill out.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    Now back on topic I see nobody has said anything about those 20x20 band 4 speed tests.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    It's kinda hard not to assume when you quoted the person that quoted me sir lol. Well then my bad then bro good afternoon.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Core Prime on MetroPCS using Tapatalk

    Fixed those for you.



    • Like 10
  8. Still not sure what is going on with my phone, called Sprint and they said LTE should be working if it is showing on my phone screen. I have an app that shows I'm connected to sprint LTE but for some reason the data is still not working. Voice and texts work fine but can't use the internet. Strange, maybe it will work its self out soon.

    Have you considered just turning LTE off?



  9. Really liking the new wifi antenna.  When Comcast is working correctly at home, I have seen 126 down/25 up.  I would guess the down speed is the max for the phone.

    I've been getting upwards of 200 mbps on my 6 Plus on my 300 mbps Time Warner connection. :)



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