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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. THIS! You sir, are the type of person that average consumers should be like. You're not someone who is obsessed with insane speeds in isolated areas, rather you are more concerned about reliable service at a decent price. My faith in the American consumer has been restored! Lol.


    Anyways, welcome to Sprint! I hope you enjoy your stay!



    • Like 14
  2. While densification will help with Sprint's existing footprint, 600MHz would be nice for quickly expanding rural coverage with little effort/cost in the way of towers (and would help in urban areas with onerous permitting processes too). There would also be decent speeds due to low population density, especially if 10x10 was used. 800MHz/B26 would be almost as effective but would become congested more quickly especially if it spurs more people in the middle of the country to sign up for Sprint.


    The downside, as others have mentioned, is that it would take years before Sprint could take full advantage. Whereas B26 can be used right now*.


    *offer void in Southern California

    But, if Sprint used Band 26 to quickly and cheaply expand coverage in rural areas that wouldn't necessarily offer a very good ROI, and it started to become congested because of more users signing up in those areas, then it would eventually make financial sense to add more towers to better serve those customers. If Band 26 got THAT congested, then it means you have customers in that area, and that means that there is money to be made.



    • Like 1
  3. I was wondering if anyone with the iPhone Forever plan could help me out with a question I have. Does anyone know what the cost to lease a 128 GB 6S Plus is with the trade in of a 128 GB 6 Plus that is fully paid off? The chat function on the Sprint website doesn't seem to be appearing right now, so I can't ask them. :(



  4. So my new 6s Plus has arrived.  This is the first time I am coming from having a previous iPhone.  Do you guys usually set it up as a new iPhone or use iCloud and restore?  Any issues with restoring from iCloud?  I like the idea of a fresh start, but the ease of letting it set it up exactly as it was definitely has its perks.

    Do you use iTunes or do you do everything over iCloud?


    If you use iTunes, IMO, it's a better method of restoring the device from a backup, because you don't have to download stuff, it'll just load over USB from the computer.


    If you use iCloud, you have the benefit of not having to be tethered to a computer. And if something goes wrong with your computer, you don't have the chance of losing your backup. I have had a few issues with iCloud before with it saying my backup was corrupt, which is why I usually used my PC if I knew I was going to be restoring.


    If you start as new, a lot of times it can really speed up the device, especially if you were having problems on your previous device. It also gives you the opportunity to start new, and maybe use your device a little differently than you did before. If you're anything like me, you want your new device to look exactly like your old device did. I also like to have all of my old messages and what not on my device.



    • Like 1
  5. I understand sprint is in the middle of adding 2xCA on 2.5GHz. If I am not wrong, sprint has on average 120 Mhz of spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band in 90 of the top 100 U.S. markets.


    2.5 Ghz may not propagate far but the spectrum is excellent for capacity. 


    Instead of deploying 2x20, why not roll out 3x20 and if i am being way too optimistic 4x20. Kill the competition basically and make you use of this large swath of spectrum now, instead of doing it in pieces while the competition zooms past them.


    What is stopping them to do so ?

    What are are the technological challenges to deploy 2x20, 3x20 simultaneously ? 

    I believe 3xCA/4xCA requires testing, just like every other thing that is rolled out. And also the backhaul requirements are there, too. Having 3xCA or 4xCA, one or two 5 MHz Band 25 carriers (maybe one 10 MHz and one 5 MHz carrier), a 5 MHz Band 26 carrier, and several carries of 1x and EVDO, on 3 different sectors really adds up in the amount of backhaul required. A lot of sites probably just don't have enough backhaul yet to support it.


    There are other people on the site, such as Tim or Robert, that are much more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, so don't just take my word for it. I'm sure they will chime in soon. :)




    edit: Also, like nick said, there aren't any devices out there that support 3xCA or 4xCA, so adding 3x and 4xCA wouldn't do anything. Adding a third and fourth carrier of band 41 would most certainly improve capacity a LOT, and would probably move Sprint to being the carrier with the most capacity at sites that have it enabled. But again, I'm not sure about the amount of backhaul that is there. So I'll let the more knowledgeable chime in.

    • Like 5
  6. Pretty crappy that I can't use WIFI calling at home and have HD voice when I'm not on WIFI. This bug needs to be fixed.

    Yeah it's a problem that is rather annoying, and has been present since Sprint released Wi-Fi calling on the iPhone. Not entirely sure why it happens, but it does. I have found the macro network to be more than ample to complete my calls in my not-so-strong Sprint area anyways, so I don't use Wi-Fi calling at all. I almost never drop calls on the macro network, whereas it happened relatively often on Wi-Fi calling.



  7. I was told that AppleCare didn't count for proper insurance on a lease, and that if I had AppleCare and got a replacement, my lease would come due in full. Anyone with Sprint care to clarify? I much prefer to have AppleCare over the very expensive TEP.



    Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk

    Welp, guess I'm never getting a lease if that is the case.



  8. I'm confused as to why everyone thinks that Sprint sitting out this auction spells their doom. I swear that we have had a conversation on this site before how the only way Sprint can truly excel is to densify densify densify. Having low band can really help out with coverage, yes, but so can having more macro sites and small cells. Having low band can certainly help with capacity and indoor coverage, but so can more macro sites and small cells.


    Spending billions on new sites that you can deploy, now, and get up and running, now, seems like a much better decision than spending money, now, on (basically) a piece of paper that says that "you can broadcast in this specific range of radio spectrum after these specific broadcasters have cleared out, and after this company standardizes an LTE band, and then these companies create equipment that can broadcast it, and then you spend MORE millions/billions on the equipment that those companies designed and produced, and these many millions on testing this equipment, and these many millions on people to deploy it, and then these companies create devices that can connect to this equipment.


    I just don't see how jumping through all these hoops for a technology that won't be available for use for half a decade is a better decision than densifying your network that would net you the same amount of coverage as jumping through the hoops to densify and expand your network now.


    Maybe it's just because I'm just some 18 year old who doesn't know any better. But logically, in my head, it doesn't make sense to go through the trouble of 600 MHz when you currently have the assets to make a competitive network, just sitting around waiting to be deployed.


    Just my two cents.



    • Like 14
  9. That's interesting and rather optimistic in a way. I still am encountering plenty of dead spots in the providence/Fairview/sardis areas, where the phone will drop to 3G and data will stall completely. But where I assumed it was just inadequate tower spacing, you guys think it can be solved by re-tuning? That would be swell


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    We can most definitely use more macro sites in our area. But, theoretically, properly tuned LTE 800 SHOULD be able to match EVDO 1900 coverage, and in some cases, go slightly further. But I should not go from a -105 band 26 signal and have it degrade to -117 and the drop to a -85 EVDO signal from the same tower. That is not how it is supposed to work. That is something that should be able to be fixed by optimization (tuning).



    • Like 4
  10. Any updates on 800mhz in CLT?

    Well, CDMA 800 is all over the place, and LTE 800 has been steadily showing up. LTE 800, to my knowledge, hasn't been tuned correctly yet, and I believe that is because we don't have enough towers with Band 41 LTE turned on yet, so LTE 800 is just being used as a capacity band for now, instead of for coverage.


    That's about all I've got on 800 in Charlotte so far.



    • Like 3
  11. The phones will be in the store on Friday lol.


    Ain't about to ship anything back when it costs that much money. Like hell. [emoji55][emoji15]



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    With a bill like that, I'd fly to Overland Park and hand deliver them to Marcelo himself. Lol.



    • Like 5
  12. the phone doesn't what wifi your on only that your hooked to wifi, so downloads like app updates or iOS updates would download the same as if you hooked up to your home wifi. But yes iOS updates seems a little strange, app updates I can total see happening, especially with the release of iOS 9. I get 5-10 app updates per day. Some of them large 1 gig+. And some of them happen over public wifi, and cellular data.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well I understand app updates, as iOS 8 brought automatic app updates. But iOS updates, as in OS updates, I feel wouldn't be getting downloaded at that time. Not because of what network the device is connected to, but because typically when a new iOS version is realeased, it is typically early to mid-week, and they are usually in the morning, and the automatic download would occur a few days, or less, later. It just seems odd to me that OS updates would be getting downloaded that often.



    • Like 1
  13. Anyone want to guess what the biggest data consumer is at sporting events on WiFi is? In a whole bunch of cases, it's iOS updates. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

    I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, but if you aren't, I'm not sure I understand. A good few of people don't even update their iPhones, and I highly doubt that if they did, it wouldn't be at a sporting event. Seems like an odd time to cause your device to go into a reboot cycle while it installs new software.



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