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Everything posted by jroepcke51

  1. RT @FillWerrell: After church and everyones like "CHICK-FIL-A" then one person says "It's Sunday..." then when you pass by your like http:/…

  2. RT @N0tAaronRodgers: Who even dates a Vikings fan?

  3. I swear we work and live right by one another. I live at San Antonio and Louisiana south of San Antonio. I ran down to one of my jobs this morning at Jefferson and Masthead and I didn't get great speeds but I was getting sub 100 to right over 100 ping. Went over to my office and Louisiana and I40. For the two towers that have been accepted, I got great speeds and right at 100 ping. Posting pics soon https://www.dropbox.com/s/9tmhljngry2md2b/Photo%20Nov%2022%2C%208%2018%2004%20AM.png The bottom ones were at my house, the middle two were at Osuna and San Mateo (this tower was just completed but not accepted yet) and the final ones were at Louisiana and I40. I have never gotten above 1Mps at work. crazy. I hope this is the start.
  4. What neighborhood are you at? Could u post a screen shot? If u really have that ping, this could be the start of something good.
  5. Phones are connecting in Clovis (which was launched) and El Paso. Those cities are a part of the ABQ market. It is just depressing to see the stats and how far behind Sprint is due to the backhaul not being in place which Centurylink is to blame.
  6. Albuquerque Status: Partial LTE Launch/Full Builds Under Way NV Sites Accepted = 39% LTE Sites Accepted = 10% Anticipated LTE Launch = Fall 2013 (Clovis launched 10/2013) Original Scheduled Completion = Q2 2014 Current Production Rate Completion = October 2014 Centruylink is really screwing us over. It was anticipated that we have a launch by now. It is not looking good by the end of the year.
  7. I ran a couple speed tests at the site because they look all wrapped up. Speeds are pretty much the same. Holding out hope lte is cong soon.
  8. Has anyone figured out the LTE preference on the iPhone 5s or 5c? I can't seem to find it in the phone.
  9. There will be an additional carrier outside of the G block. It will be extra carriers for 1900 voice and 3G. Only one carrier for LTE currently. ABQ market has several of these sites. Robert explained it to me during the summer when I noticed three or four.
  10. I cannot count how many times you have corrected me about this. Yes. They are wider antennas that are Narrow beam. question, why would you put that in a residential neighborhood?
  11. Just ran by the site at Osuna and Seagull Street. THey are doing the tower now. Weird is that they are putting wide beam attennas up versus the regular ones. I will get pics on my way home.
  12. Interesting. I wonder if this was the issue/reason why Apple did not include B41 into the 5s. As always, great reads.

  14. I agree that it is a bummer. Almost all of the towers I have seen in town (excl flagpoles) are done (i.e., have the NV equipment). I can't tell on some of the flagpoles. I can't see the cabinets which makes it difficult. The thing to keep your eyes open for is Centurylink. Centurylink is the backhaul provider for most of the market and they are slow as can be. I would suggest becoming a sponsor so you know exactly all of the Sprint towers. Therefore, when you see a truck next to it, post it here to let everyone know.
  15. I personally believe that we will. We had 6 3G acceptances from the last two days of last week. If a pace begins, I believe it is possible.
  16. Interesting note: the Vikings still have not won a game in the US.

  17. Yep. Clovis' provider of backhaul is different from ABQ, Santa Fe, Los Alamos (i.e., most of the state). Luckly dogs.
  18. RT @OldHossRadbourn: Please let Game 5 end with a bunt inside the park home run. Please.

  19. RT @FillWerrell: THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE WANTS TO BAN HOMEWORK well this is it bonjour my petite croissants

  20. RT @jimmyfallon: The economy added 148 thousand jobs last month. Of course, all those people were hired to fix the Obamacare website. #fall

  21. RT @N0tAaronRodgers: The only thing better than a win, is savoring a win when you know the Bears and Lions lost.

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