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Posts posted by supert0nes

  1. Does US Cellular use their Rochester / La Crosse holdings? They don't have any 850 cellular spectrum there. This was the question I really wanted to ask. Do they have any other MN holdings that make sense for them to divest? We had the other forum, where we talked about divestiture, but there's a little less to divest now.

  2. Map of the affected USCC markets. I am glad Chicago is included since they only have on average 20 MHz of PCS spectrum so this deal will help them dearly. Too bad its gotta wait until mid 2013 to close this transaction.


    Source: http://www.uscellularinfo.com/


    It's not like Sprint is really using all of their spectrum anyway until that time. Sprint still has to realign their spectrum and deploy more LTE outside of G block after Network Vision is complete. Maybe they could have deployed extra 3g before then.

  3. You would think that LTE was a worse service than HSPA+ from all the Android defenders out there today! They also seem to think that including LTE would add $300 to the device. It seems like society today is so willing to pick a side and defend it to the death, instead of reasonably look at benefits and negatives. One side of peoples' mouths say 10x10 LTE is the only LTE fast enough for them, and the other side says HSPA+ is better than LTE, because Google says so!


    I'm done rambling and I probably just stumbled on to the wrong Android/T-Mobile enthusiast site.

  4. I agree with you, except I don't see them deploying LTE on Cellular or AWS in any significant capacity in the short term. AWS just doesn't make sense as they gave it all to T-Mobile. I see it more as a bargaining chip for more spectrum in other areas. Cellular, I see them using as their primary voice platform. It must be able to serve the areas that 2g voice serves today. We have noted that VoLTE might not be able to do that.


    Those are minor details. however. You are right. AT&T holds a lot of prime spectrum and is having a tough time migrating to 3g/4g technologies. The FCC should not adjust their spectrum positions just because some technologies are harder to migrate from than others.

  5. This is just the beginning of the opposition to Sprint's spectrum position. I think they wont be allowed to easily acquire any other companies and acquiring H will be harder because ATT is butthurt about it's own spectrum position. I bet that Verizon doesn't say much though. The analysts that used to hate Sprint will start bashing their new powerful position like Entner at the end of this article.




    The New Sprint, and its probable acquisition target Clearwire, should be a significant consideration as the FCC overhauls its approach to the spectrum screen. The current practice of counting only half of Clearwire's spectrum in the screen is peculiar at best. The New Sprint clearly has the means now to acquire the half of Clearwire it doesn't own and capitalize on the spectrum asset. The FCC's current practice to hold down AT&T and Verizon's spectrum ambitions is clearly going to be overtaken by real-world events.

  6. This is a big shift PCS realignment actually.

    Preliminary review of the applications indicates that the proposed transaction would result in the

    assignment and/or exchange of PCS and AWS-1 spectrum in 55 Cellular Market Areas (“CMAs”) in 17

    states. Specifically, AT&T would acquire and/or receive in an exchange 5 to 20 megahertz of PCS

    spectrum in 54 CMAs. T-Mobile would acquire and/or receive in an exchange 10 to 20 megahertz of

    PCS spectrum in 43 CMAs. Our preliminary review further indicates that in 35 CMAs, AT&T and T-

    Mobile would exchange equal amounts of PCS spectrum; in 12 CMAs, AT&T would gain 10 megahertz

    of PCS spectrum; and in 8 CMAs, T-Mobile would gain 5 to 10 megahertz of PCS spectrum as a result of

    the proposed transaction. Finally, T-Mobile would also acquire 10 megahertz of AWS-1 spectrum in 1

    CMA (CMA 109 – Spokane, WA).

  7. Phonescoop http://www.phonescoo...cle.php?a=11297

    FCC http://hraunfoss.fcc...document=316703

    FCC http://hraunfoss.fcc...document=316705


    The FCC today announced that AT&T and T-Mobile have applied to swap certain PCS (1900 MHz) licenses and one AWS (1700 MHz) license. In 35 markets, the two companies would exchange equal amounts of PCS spectrum. In 12 markets, AT&T would gain 10 MHz of PCS spectrum. In eight markets, T-Mobile would gain 5-10 MHz of PCS spectrum. In addition, T-Mobile would pick up 10 MHz of AWS spectrum covering Spokane, WA. Separately, AT&T plans to buy a handful of Lower 700 MHz licenses covering Florida, Minnesota, and Puerto Rico from Peregrine Spectrum LLC.



    Some more spectrum news to chew on! Is AT&T giving up on AWS?!?

  8. I hope for a phone that will be supported by the dev community for around 2 years. Usually that's only reserved for Nexus phones, but the OG EVO did pretty well in that respect.


    This site will be very helpful in finding my next phone and I will probably sit out a month until antenna reviews come in and the first price cut hits.

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