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Everything posted by CaryTheLabelGuy

  1. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    I still have my iPhone. I will hold onto it for a few weeks. If the iPhone 6 blows my mind, I'll buy it. [emoji12] until then, I'm loving this G3. Its a beast. It's also nice to be able to use Signal Check Pro as well!! Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk
  2. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    It's official: I've jumped back to the dark-side! Just picked up my new gold LG G3! Don't miss my iPhone 5 at all (yet). It's good to be back on the Android platform.
  3. Totally agree. Most of us live on a budget, yet we (my wife and I) still manage to have a home internet connection because we know it is a utility (should be considered one by the gov't as well). 100gb/month is just insane for mobile use. That's more than I use on my 105mb/s Comcast home Internet per month and I stream music and movies every single day using Netflix and Pandora....etc, not to mention the usual day-to-day internet use like browsing and checking emails and watching YouTube. That being said, I hardly ever break 5gb/month on my Sprint unlimited plan and that's with me watching YouTube and some netflix here and there along with the usual mobile stuff.
  4. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    How's the screen quality? I heard a "rumor" that people are complaining about the screen, yet I've not seen any proof of this.
  5. Damnit Apple! Get rid if those stupid bezels for God's sake man! The 5.5" is going to be a monstrous phone with those stupid bezels taking up so much space. Apple is lost on the design front.
  6. Had almost the same experience up here in downtown Jax. Except B26 was available, although very slow. B25 was dead. Thousands upon thousands of people were packed into every single spot along the river in downtown Jax, San Marco and Riverside.
  7. Maybe, but only in super high capacity situations like last night. Downtown was packed for the fireworks. B25 was totally dead, literally. B26 was working just fine, although it was a little slow (2mbps down). I'm not sure about B41 because I didn't have my TriBand hotspot with me and we don't have a TriBand phone. That being said, that is a total of 2 5x5mhz LTE carriers that were almost swamped last night. B26 was the savior though, because it was still usable for the most part. I'm sure B41 was doing fine, too. As for the beach earlier yesterday, we had a fringe B25/26 signal. B25 was totally dead as was EVDO, but B26 worked a little but as you can see, it was very fringe and kept falling back to B25 which kept falling back to EVDO (which had a very strong signal). We were at 18th street in Atlantic Beach and there are two nearby sites that would serve that area. Have a look on the site maps to see. One is really close.
  8. Found B26 in Atlantic Beach, although it wasn't very strong. I have no idea what site it was coming from; we were on the beach. Service was terrible on B25 and EVDO was totally dead, despite having a great signal. The beach was packed though, so that doesn't surprise me. Then tonight we were downtown (where we live) watching the fireworks and B25 and EVDO was totally unusable, but our iPhone 5c worked just fine on B26.
  9. Zello is actually a decent PTT app for iOS, if any of you would like to try it. It's free, too.
  10. I would certainly think so!! It's gotta be just around the corner now. It may already be in the process, but the acceptances haven't been reported to Robert yet.
  11. A lot of my family and close friends switched to TMO in the last few months and literally every single one of them hate it. It's funny because we can never get ahold if them and when we do, their calls constantly drop, not to mention sound like total shit. Most are in the Jax market, but some are not. How anybody can defend TMO and totally diss Sprint is beyond me, especially now that Sprint has B26, 1X800 and B41 as well as B25 active in most places (especially around this market). My service rocks and rivals my Verizon service everywhere.
  12. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    Haha. Exactly! Having an iPhone and Android flagship never hurt anybody!
  13. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    Screen has a lot o do with it. I'm a professional bassist with very large hands and the current iPhone 5/s/c screen is tiny. I switched to the iPhone 4S from my HTC Evo 4G way back in-the-day and have hated the screen size decrease ever since. The 4S to 5 was a little better, but it's still too small. I'm also going back to Android because frankly, Apple is pissing me off. I'm anxious to see what the iPhone 6 will be about and if I love it, I'll buy it too. Although, it won't make my shiny new G3 any less awesome! [emoji41] The iPhone is a great device as is iOS, but since Steve Jobs passed away, I've seen some really stupid decisions being made by current Apple upper-management - I'm not the only one to notice, either. This G3 as well as other up-and-coming Android flagships will be very hard to beat.
  14. CaryTheLabelGuy

    LG G3

    This will be my next phone!
  15. So in-other-words, they (AllNet) didn't really do their homework and the map can't be trusted as accurate, at least in Sprint's case. Thanks for doing the legwork.
  16. Oh yeah, AT&T is in a bad position spectrum-wise. They don't have a lot of room to grow and I'm sure they're really banking on the 600Mhz auction. Sprint is the sleeping giant. Once this is all said and done, it'll be interesting to watch.
  17. They failed to mention the additional 5x5Mhz B25 carrier that Sprint is deploying in certain markets. Although, I'm sure it was counted in the total.
  18. It seems like this already happening. I've already noticed my B25 speeds increasing here, while B26 speeds are slightly slower (might be an optimization issue). B41 seems to be fairly consistent around here. I can only get B41 on my hotspot currently, but B41 is still fairly consistent. I think a lot more people have iPhone 5s/c as well as TriBand Android phones than we may realize, at least in this area. It's pretty rare that I see a non TriBand/DualBand around here, honestly. I'm the only person I know that still rocks an iPhone 5, for instance. Most everybody has moved up.
  19. Yeah, B26 is better than B25 on my home site, by about 15% or so. Beyond that, I've noticed B26 as being about the same strength as B25 but slightly slower on the other sites I've seen B26. This will change I'm sure!! Either way, it's still good to see the extra 5x5Mhz FDD LTE carrier taking the burden off B25. Once it's optimized, coverage should improve greatly!
  20. I assume you're referring to 8T8R B41 deployment? I hope we don't have to wait that long before we start seeing them.
  21. As I was writing my previous post, my closest tower came back online. All-in-all, it was down about 2 hours. I'm assuming it was a B26 upgrade, but I can't tell - I have a iPhone 5 ????
  22. I had one of my normal towers go totally down today. I was stuck on EVDO then it went down to 1x1900 and the totally went down. Now I'm connected to the next nearest site and can barely get a B25 signal from that site and what I do get is extremely slow. Looks like they're doing something with this tower, I can visually see it but don't see any activity at the site itself.
  23. These are things that happen as an upgrade occurs. Probably B26, as this is what happened to me right before it went live. It could also be a legacy site upgrade, but I think all of the sites in that area are done.
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