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Posts posted by tybo31316


    Honestly, digiblur, I find that attitude disgusting. Some of you refuse to accept that a shared resource has to be managed and that maybe, just maybe providers institute caps to manage supply and demand, not to soak your wallet.


    You guys should find an all you can eat restaurant. Then, when closing time hits before you have pigged out enough, you should burn down the restaurant out of revenge.




    LMAO, I used to wait to the end of my billing cycle and use all my cell minutes years ago.

    • Like 1

    I also read that Verizon will be adding LTE to the AWS 1700 band.


    Either way I think sprint is taking the necessary steps to become competitive again. I'm eager for Evdo on 800mhz.


    Sprint isnt putting evdo on 800 only 1x. Also vzw still isn't putting aws on every site

    • Like 1
  3. Okay...my frustration is at an all-time high. I work downtown and I used to be able to stream music, but for the past few weeks, I have not been able to with a consistent connection. I have contacted Sprint 4 times about this, but to no avail. The first two times, there supposedly was some kind of outtage that was supposed to be fixed last Friday. I contacted them twice today and the first time, the network provisioning didn't go through and the 2nd time, the tech had me update the profile (my PRL wouldn't update). Pandora worked for 5 minutes. Then I switched to Amazon Cloud Player and it worked for 5 minutes than became unusable (every 10-20 seconds it was buffering) and it's driving me batty.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Maybe the towers have been getting hit harder in that area lately.


    Sent from my Nexus 7




    It's stock. I rooted and recolored the icons myself. It just recently started doing this. I switched from Automatic to Home Only for the roam network setting, and then back and it grayed them out.


    Maybe because you have it set to home only it grayed the options out because they wont be needed. Home only means your device will only connect to sprint signal and will not roam. So when ever you go to a location where you would normally roam you will not have a signal at all.


    Sent from my Nexus 7

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    from personal experience both Sprint and T-Mobile are basically worthless while on NAS Jax, particularly as you approach the eastern side. Verizon might be your best bet for NAS Jax service.


    Service at Nas Jax is bad for all carriers. It just depends where you are at the time. Every carrier has their places where their service is dismal on the base.


    Sent from my Nexus 7




    i know that sensorly isnt the be all to wireless signals. If u havent been there thats fine. My question was directed to people that have been there or around there.


    I've personally had signal on 295 across the buckman bridge near the Roosevelt exit but I haven't been near the base. Most users here uses sensorly and map their trips. Maybe someone in that area will confirm that it is or isn't service in that area.


    Sent from my EVO LiTE



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