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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. Saw a site being worked on in Orange park. Behind the Walgreen on Blanding past the BJ's.
  2. This goes back to the question I asked. By sprint and Clearwire being two different companies paying two different site leases and operating cost. When sprint acquire Clearwire as a whole wouldnt sprint be responsible for paying the leases that Clearwire currently have. Similar to what sprint did with Nextel merger.
  3. I asked because I keep hearing about Clearwire already working on their network and I always assume that it wasn't apart of nv and was wondering how they were going to integrate it.
  4. I'm wondering if sprint and Clearwire are going to install td LTE on the network vision platform or separate? If separate wouldn't that cause the same problem that iden caused with double site rent and double operating cost?
  5. I haven't been out towards the beaches lately but I wouldn't be surprised if the sites are already done but not accepted yet
  6. I rode across the fuller warren bridge and saw NV install on the top of the GHG building on oak street so that's where the signal is most likely coming from. Also I spotted a crew working on a tower on the corner of 103rd and shindler drive.
  7. So based on what I've read in the quote above. Sprint (if clear wire is purchased I assume) would make 2.5ghz first priority, then 800, then 1900 for data???
  8. I believe the tower on boulevard near shands hospital has LTE active when I'm on I95 near that area I'm picking up a strong LTE signal
  9. The 103rd signal has to be coming from the collins road site. Also there's a another completed tower by the Kmart on Normandy. The map shows 3g completed.
  10. I think sprint will ditch the leased spectrum and keep the BRS spectrum for TD LTE as others has said on this site.
  11. I have no problems with anyone that is a part of the GLBT community. Its just I wasn't expecting someone to post about same sex love on s4gru. But anyway its just a build up of all the crazy post I see in the threads here at s4gru and when I saw that one I was like wtf.
  12. Wtf......... the things you guys say on s4gru
  13. I picked up LTE signal on 103rd street on the opposite side on i295 heading towards Brannan Field Road. Couldn't figure out what tower the signal is coming from. At first I thought it was coming from the Chaffee Road tower that was completed last week. After riding toward the Chaffee tower this afternoon realized that the tower wasnt active. So I assume the signal is coming from the tower on Collins Road that was recently accepted.
  14. Do you know what causes this? I was connecting to this site for like two week then on Monday this started happening.
  15. Has anyone ever had this problem Connected to LTE but can't access data.
  16. Well a tower near my house had 3g accepted and now when I go to the barbershop I went from roaming on 1x to 3 bars of signal. So I guess what everyone was saying a true about the improved signal.
  17. Both WD and Publix has WiFi. Walmart doesnt have it at the moment. I spend a lot of time in grocery stores and around the city and 1900 just doesn't penetrate those buildings well. Maybe when CDMA 800 comes online we will see some relief.
  18. Seems to me that if the tower isn't with in a mile of the store. You can't get a decent signal inside. On CDMA on sprint or VZW 1900mhz spectrum even when I tried VZW out for a few days I couldn't get LTE signal inside the very buildings where I couldn't connect to EVDO.
  19. Seems to penetrate well except for grocery stores. For some reason when I enter grocery stores my LTE takes a dump. When I exit it comes back. Must be something the building is constructed with.
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