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Everything posted by Fraydog

  1. At this point, Sprint could offer a settlement where the users affected by the injunction can transition to plans that are optimized, prioritized "unlimited" and I would bet this ends. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  2. Here's the deal, John went out of his way to say there was complex optimization going on behind BingeOn in the Uncarrier 10 keynote. Apparently, there isn't any sort of optimization going on at all if the EFF is correct in their testing. It's a straight up throttle, not unlike what Sprint did with 480p streaming that they later backed off of due to public outcry. Now I don't want to take John out of context, so I may go back and see what he exactly said in context. That said, the initial findings on this are not good. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  3. I see the issue in that T-Mobile still has to add density in the areas they have added either with small cells or more macro cells. They might also need to do GMO conversion. I give them credit for expanding but they have to fill in that expansion a bit. GMO actually works well here, but there's still too many fringe areas where there's no service altogether in Randolph County where I live. If that was fixed I'd be happy to take their buyout of my Verizon device. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  4. If killing contracts means Sprint can also kill off most of the SERO that's left, then kill off contracts with fire. It isn't like Sprint is rolling in money anyway, they need all the financial aid they can get. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  5. http://m.randolphcountyheraldtribune.com/news/20151228/a-serious-situation Chester is anticipating a 49.7 foot crest of the Mississippi. Thank goodness that most of our town is on the bluff. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  6. Yeah, best to let it rest. Hopefully Root tests VoLTE next year and this becomes a moot point. I'll just say my VoLTE experience is good but also anecdotal and reflective of only Southern Illinois, the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, and Southeast Missouri. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  7. Not to mention that it is pretty much integrated into Network Vision equipment. Verizon's old CDMA voice network is a separate energy burn while Sprint's CDMA network isn't because it is entirely different network equipment powering VZ's CDMA. I doubt they forsaw this much voice traffic still left on CDMA 2-3 years ago. Too bad RootMetrics doesn't measure voice quality. Sprint would be ahead of Verizon CDMA by a decent margin. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  8. The absolute earliest any of the CDMA carriers could shut down CDMA would be 2020, in my estimation. Verizon is ahead on this but they can run a sliver of CDMA in the CLR band for M2M and whatever legacy is left. That said, they are already degrading their CDMA network, reliability has started to go south on that network in Southern Illinois. I am experiencing better reliability on VoLTE today. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  9. If Unlimited goes (and I don't think it needs to go away as long as there's a 97% prioritization cap), then the buckets in question all have to go up. Problem is I don't know if they are going up fast enough. Giant bucket with 25 GB for $80 a month seems fair to me. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  10. He isn't wrong, but if T-Mobile is already experiencing better reliability on VoLTE, then he should have included that statistic. I don't know about T-Mobile's VoLTE reliability, but I know that I have had no dropped calls on VoLTE on Verizon and only one blocked call. That's on a network without eSRVCC fallback. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  11. I think a lot of this boils down to Recarrierization. We all know about the Uncarrier programs T-Mobile unveiled, but where are they on where these programs have gone? Uncarrier 1: Simple Choice - seems like a lot of the simple pricing structure has went away. Options on top of options on top of options. Uncarrier 2: Jump - already been amended to 50% of phone payments and you have to be insured to do it. Jump on Demand doesn't really fit in this, it isn't available online. Uncarrier 3: Simple Global - Good move, but not much high speed access around the globe. Couldn't T-Mobile have their native service in other countries count as pseudo roaming? Uncarrier 4: Contract Freedom - You still have to pay the ETF or device off from the carrier you leave. Then wait 8 weeks for a debit card. I don't think it is such a great deal after the fine print. I could pay off a device and sell it and come pretty close out of the hole and not have to wait on T-Mobile to pay me back. Uncarrier 5: Test Drive - It's gone, replaced by the Lifetime Coverage Guarantee. I think the 30 days is nice but I wish I could do the 30 day signup online, you can't because you have to do Jump on Demand for the Coverage Guarantee. Uncarrier 6: Music Freedom - This is where the slippery slope on Net Neutrality begins, but at least T-Mobile didn't throttle music that didn't fit in their program. Uncarrier 7: WiFi Calling - no complaints with that, I wish the other carriers had jumped on that bandwagon sooner. Uncarrier 8: Data Stash - Great program but now there's a 20 GB limit on how much you can stash. Uncarrier 9: Business Uncarrier: Pooled data. Seems like it's a way to charge business overages. Uncarrier 10: BingeOn - see YouTube comments from today. I don't like that YouTube is being compressed without their consent.
  12. The comments there seem to be far more educated about the dynamics involved with all that goes on with BingeOn and Network Neutrality. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  13. Here's the philosophical departure: data from a provider isn't the same as a van down by the river. Realistically what we have is something free whether people want it or not. I would liken it to spam or junk mail. The real issue is how you fight this: with data caps, this is simply the next step. If artificially low data caps are enabled, then that makes the controlled usage spike up. The only real way to fight off free candy, is either drastically higher caps, or a flat rate that gives out unlimited data altogether up to a point of network prioritization that doesn't affect any but the most prolific of data users. In this case, sponsored data programs are only attractive when the flow of data is artificially limited in the first place. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  14. Could be. [emoji6] Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  15. So if I stream Pandora on Music Freedom regardless of how I feel, does that make it enabling behavior? I would simply prefer T-Mobile offer bigger data buckets or all you can eat for a lower price than $95 a month. That said it is unsurprising that something that greatly affects YouTube streaming quality would aggravate YouTube. They certainly want to protect their interests. Edit: fixed Freudian slip Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  16. Naw, the Illinois equivalent to Kentucky would be southwards where I live. I would love to see sbolen come down just to run Sensorly tracks though Randolph County. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  17. I would guess HSPA goes farther than EDGE because of the fact that HSPA is highly (and I mean highly) derivative of CDMA. On 850 it is probably fairly close to CDMA 1x. Not exactly there due to higher channel bandwidth, but close. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  18. Where did I say that was false? While I'm editing this, I might as well mention that we have no idea where T-Mobile VoLTE reliability is at since no third parties are measuring that nationally and I don't have access to VoLTE stats that T-Mobile has internally. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  19. Here's the new excuse: since VoLTE isn't tested by Root, that also means that their new Extended Range LTE assets are not fully tested when it comes to voice. You're going to hear a lot more of that in the coming weeks and months. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  20. The Snapchat situation frustrates the hell out of me. Yet how can that be pinned on Google? Blame the developers for doing a shitty job. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  21. With all that, isn't it going to be really hard to find a technical solution for Google to deliver zero-rated 480p video to T-Mobile? Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  22. No. FDD only. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  23. And if I didn't think that would have ramifications toward Title 2, I'd laugh it off. Problem is that Verizon has the best legal counsel money can buy and they will challenge Title 2 in the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court if they have to. And I know in the back of my mind that corporate friendly judges like Scalia and Thomas will be looking at Verizon's arguments with a friendly eye. You think Verizon's lawyers won't bring up BingeOn? Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  24. People were noting this was happening with YouTube on Reddit. BingeOn was on, 1080p videos buffered. Turned off, they streamed perfectly. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  25. Not to get off-topic, but that is true of a lot of people in urban cores. They don't know the needs of people in rural America, look down on those people, then get shocked and revolted when those people support the idea of a President Trump. In reality, if they just realized the people in rural area just had the desire of having good jobs and good homes, and acted to elect leaders that took care of the whole of the country, then a President Trump would never be a concern. Most people where I live never had a chance. The educational system that urbanites set up ensured that. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
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