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Posts posted by Destroyallcubes

  1. It means they are going to focus build out of Band 41 with carrier aggregation and 8xMIMO in the Top 100 cities first. Band 41 is going to be deployed nationwide. However, the upgraded elements of Band 41 build out is going to require a lot of infrastructure upgrade. Sites are going to need much more backhaul then they currently are receiving. This is going to be a massive undertaking.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    OK I thought it was relating to both 800LTE and 2.5/2.6LTE. The 2016 is relating to the Super capacity band 41. I was going to say if by 2 years they only have 800LTE in 100 cities when most equipment is already installed haha

  2. The galaxy line cheap plastic can't stop squat lol. The battery is what stopped the bullet with the original evo and this time with the evo 3d also.

    If it is the battery that stops it then the "cheap plastic" wouldnt have an effect of it. It would be up to the battery of the phone. And gotta remember the galaxy captivate wasnt using cheap plastic, and that phone I couldnt break even when I tried to break it by throwing it on the ground.
  3. This is the second time that I've heard of an HTC device stopping a bullet. The first time was the original EVO 4G.


    I bet you your little Galaxy couldn't do that...

    wouldnt the galaxy's cover more area and still have the similar protection. It the phone was on of the iphones made with a glass back the bullet would of actually gone through with some glass :P
  4. How "big" of an area are they using small cella for, are we talking for a small neighborhood, or a high volume store, shopping centers? I think aomething that could help would residence offering to let sprint use their property, say on top of the roof, to install and feed fiber too, a small cell for lower coverage area/poor performance area? Would that even be possible?

  5. It normally goes through, just usually takes 10-20 seconds before I hear the ringing start.  (And I understand it's digitally generated and not a real ringing  :) ).  Rarely, it won't go through even after waiting a while and the call will just end without ever connecting.  This is very consistent when I'm on Sprint, never less than 10 seconds. Also, I miss a lot of incoming calls with my S3 and have for a while.  I thought it was just network upgrades going on, and very well could be.  But, there have been several cases when my wife tries calling my S3 a few times and it doesn't ring.  Then will call my kid's iPhone 5 and it will ring.  And a few times tonight while I was on the way to the store she called and my phone never rang.  I was in the car and on a major road with very good coverage.

    yeah if sfter 10 seconds I hang up and try again. I dont have the patience of 20 seconds or more for a phone call haha
  6. For a while now I've noticed that when making phone calls from my S3 it takes anywhere between 10-20 seconds before I start to hear the line ringing.  It doesn't seem to matter if I have a really strong or a really weak signal, the delay is always there.  I've also noticed that if I'm roaming (haven't noticed which carriers or if it really matters) the call starts ringing almost instantly, within just a second or two.


    Has anyone else noticed this on either an S3 or other phones?  I would suspect a phone issue since it's only on the Sprint network, but I haven't tested any other phones.

    On my S4 I experience it, I just end the call, and keep trying until it actually goes through. It happens on an airave, as well as out in Town. 

  7. You know its funny because alot of people I know here in Tyler ditched Sprint for the lack of 4G data and slow speeds and switched to Verizon or AT&T but I told them they would regret it when Sprint fully deployed LTE which is close to being done here in Tyler and now that they dont have unlimited data and extremely high bills they want to come running back to Sprint especially when i tell them my LTE coverage hardly goes away (except in buildings sometimes) they only wish they were still with Sprint. Idk about the rest of Sprints 4G markets across the U.S. but I can truly say 4G data in Tyler for Sprint is doing wonders

    well tyler isnt a huge market for sprint.so we dont have as much congestion. They still need a few more towers near the lake and on broadway south of Walmart. But I cant complain too much. The refurb/ replacement devices are whats killing me!
  8. My speeds at home are a whole lot better at last. I think im connected to the tower downtown now vs the one over on Gentry. I was downtown today and noticed I had a full LTE signal and got 30 mbps down and now my LTE stays connected at home and im averaging 9mbps down vs the 1 or 2mbps I was getting from another tower. Great job Sprint!!

    downtown is active I believe. Got signal on 5th street on the west side of broadway. Never got it there before
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  9. 4 s4's so far, and this current one is in an activation loop after working fine for a month...And i try taking it off my account with a dummy,phone and put it back, now it won't let me add this one back on saying it isn't a sprint phone....and can't get a replacement. This device has been the worst samsung phone I've owned. I want my note2 back. Better device

  10. Yea but if you Iook on sprint there are 2 towers closer than the one by rose stadium. Theres on a Gentry by the hotels and theres also a tower on 69 about half a mile from the loop. I've never had a connection to the one by the stadium at my house. Isn't there an app to see what tower you're connected to but in all honesty I think im on the one on Gentry

    ok yeah there is a tower there . I got my roads mixed up. Its accepted I believe. Signal check pro cost 2 bucks and its worth it! Id download it if I were you
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