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Posts posted by smalltimehack

  1. HA...but signal bars always existed though. Ehh...i guess to each their own. You mind as well not even have the clock on there and keep nothing at the top. Not really sure what the difference is between the Spark icon, LTE and signal bars vs. 4G icon, data arrows and signal bars. The data arrows were its own icon in the ZV7 and ZV8 firmware if you didn't know that.


    Right. But they were on top of the 4g lte icon. Not next to it taking up more space.

    It's not why I don't use it. I just haven't found a want or a need to switch back. Lol. But I'll stop cluttering up the thread.


  2. HA...but signal bars always existed though. Ehh...i guess to each their own. You mind as well not even have the clock on there and keep nothing at the top. Not really sure what the difference is between the Spark icon, LTE and signal bars vs. 4G icon, data arrows and signal bars. The data arrows were its own icon in the ZV7 and ZV8 firmware if you didn't know that.

    Okay. So instead of having just lte we now have the spark icon as well. I thought it would be smaller or the lte writing would be smaller.

    Good thing I don't use my g2 for much anymore. Lol.

  3. You just have to download TWRP to your PC and rename it to recovery.img, make sure you have the SDK installed, and then use the command "fastboot oem unlock" on your PC from the command line while in the SDK folder with your phone connected via usb in fastboot mode. Once the bootloader is unlocked, you can use "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" and you're done. After TWRP is flashed, reboot into recovery and then reboot your phone (or flash a ROM and then reboot your phone if you prefer). If you do nothing else, it'll even give you the option to install root for you once you hit reboot.

    I got it done last night as stated in my other post. Thanks though.

    My computer for whatever reason would not recognize adb commands in command prompt so I went about it a different way.

  4. For the nexus being an "easy" phone to root it sure was a pain for me. I had to use cf auto root and install a recovery myself.

    No other method would recognize my phone or the commands I was using.

    Finally running Franco with the bionic optimization since I run art only.

  5. Personally, coming from a carrier like us cellular where we got neglected or forgotten about for months with updates I have to agree with you. I've been pretty happy with how quickly maintenance updates are released and how frequently phones are updated to new software versions.

  6. Forgot to post this the other day but our LG rep said there are higher ups around his office that have g2's with kit kat builds on their phone that they're testing out. Hopefully that means kit kat is around the corner for you guys.

    • Like 4
  7. We wouldnt know since most of us unwilling to root our phones are still waiting on the update 1 week later. Lol crying inside

    There's only a select few of you unwilling to root and even without root people have gotten the update. So I guess for those of you who have the update... Have you noticed anything?
  8. Anyone else notice that when you power the phone on now that it sounds like complete crap when it hits the spark page? I don't think mine ever used to make that sound.

    Band priority is also 41>25>26 correct?

  9. So I just flashed the zva radio and zva odex rom on my G2 and when I check my data screen it stills shows the band 26 and 41 as being disabled. My G2 isn't currently on the account which may have something to do with it.

    The N5 may just get swapped out for a day when I go to Chicago for the auto show this weekend....

  10. I saw that thread but didn't watch to see what he did to fix it.

    Admittedly I didn't search too much due to having the customer right there hovering over me wanting his phone back so I figured I'd ask here just so I knew for next time.

    I'm really surprised this wasn't in the list of sprint known issues if it's this prominent.


  11. Had a customer come in today with the rattling issue on his nexus so I shook mine and it does the same thing. Has anyone experienced this at all? I know it's common enough that people have obviously noticed but is it every nexus out there? Or just a select few?

  12. Our LG rep came into the store in Madison today and had a G Flex on him that he let me check out. It feels every bit as big as what I thought it would be due to the 6" screen but it did feel really zippy and fast as expected. 

    To me it feels like a curved G2 with a big display which is good and bad. I really don't need a phone that big but some people do, so I get it.

    Personally I wouldn't use one but for someone who doesn't want a Samsung phablet I would recommend them to try this one out. We'll see longevity wise how it holds up to being dropped and what not.

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