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Posts posted by smalltimehack

  1. I have my gps off and do spend my day connected to wifi when I'm at work although my lte signal goes in and out. It's just weird because my first one never used to have these kind of issues. The battery was rock solid.

    Idk how much longer I plan to keep this one anyways. Whenever I go to hang up a call the screen will just stay black until the other person hangs up. I've reset it multiple times and nada.

  2. Exactly! ^ wth. I'll have the thing replaced again if need be. I make it a day which is all I really need since I plug it in anyways. I still feel like it should be a LOT better than this.

  3. I don't use anything other than stock apps really. I use 8sms but the big killer according to better battery stats is network location services from Google. Almost 5% per hour. I've been as low as 2% when I had my s2.

  4. Even with everything frozen or deleted on my phone through greenify and titanium backup I still only get a day with moderate use. When I first got the phone I got almost 2 days. Ideas?

  5. I’m assuming it will be refurbished though??

    Not necessarily. The only way to know is to check the rtn menu once the phone is on. Even when replaced at the store level it will say refurbished but I've seen plenty of them be new phones.

  6. Wrong. For backorders, instead of 3-5 days, it's 5-20.

    I said it was 5-7 because I have not once had a phone take that long to get to me.

    Edit. I lied. IPhone 5s took a while to get in but hell we didn't even have any to sell so that was expected.

  7. Well how long can they take to get my phone cause its been 10 days today.

    Did you actually file your claim? Your op makes it sound like you didn't.

    I do know our main shipment center got shut down due to weather so there could be a delay. You should be receiving email updates on the status of it or have one that has tracking info as well if you did go through with the claim.

  8. ^ wrong. The list only gives you options of comparable models. When I replaced mine the other option was a note 3. It's a G2, note or nothing. I would activate an old phone and have them order you a phone. It will be a new one. Mine said it wouldn't be but I got a new one anyways.

  9. The answer is not very easily. I dropped my G2 and put a small crack in it. One of the techs had my phone apart but the way LG made the phone there are a ton of screws amd small ribbon cables that make replacing the screen hard. After a few minutes he just Advance exchanged my phone because he was worries he would do further damage trying to get the screen off.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Lolz. Yeah. We have phones that were allowed to take apart and that definitely isn't one of em. I would have just exchanged it at my store. Which again, with insurance is free.
  10. I work for sprint so either way I pay full retail for a device unless we buy through our online retail store. I get what you're saying. I guess a Google edition would be bragging rights for me.

  11. Does this include the 5S? or is that out of the price range. Regardless I have applecare+ and cancelled my insurance with sprint because I found out it would cost 200 bucks for a replacement, compared to applecare at 79 if my phone was damaged. Only benefit is sprint insurance covers theft and loss.....So they have that going for them.

    The 5/5s has always been 11 a month for their coverage. And that 79 is for green level replacement which is pretty much dead pixels or a dead earpiece/speaker. See if Apple will replace a cracked screen for you. With TEP you can have your phone replaced even if it's cracked so long as it's one crack under 2 inches or 2 cracks under 1 inch a piece. Or see if Apple will replace your phone for a faulty antenna. Won't happen.

    I'm good with my phones and I still have insurance. My g2 was 3 weeks old and was replaced for free for a defect from the manufacturer. Without TEP it's $75. So on an so forth...

  12. I'm happy to report my new phone doesn't seem to have any of the issues my old phone did. My data holds, my speaker is actually loud and my gps doesn't show any issues. Not like that was an issue but I'm glad I didn't replace a bad phone with another bad one. Eventually it'll all get worked out.

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  13. Each meid was a sim associated with itis new. When a phone is exchanged through service and repair the new phone can come with a new sim that may or may not be associated with the replacments meid, or you can select to use your old sim.


    Either way if LTE does not work the first thing to check is the sim number.




    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Even with a swap it still auto populates. If you have sim issues your rep doesn't know what they're doing.
  14. Yeah I don't get how that would happen. I've seen it happen but there hasn't been a decent explanation for it. If all it is, is a simple phone call to fox it that's not too bad imo. It shouldn't be messed up but at least it can be fixed.

  15. You have non lte because they messed up, the whole sim thing is new to a lot of reps. They either didnt put a sim in, or the sim in the phone is not tied to your account. Either of those scenarios would allow voice/3g to work but no lte.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    At least in my systems when we swap phones it automatically generates the sim id for us. To mess up a sim is sort of hard to do. The sim itself could be bad and not allow the phone to connect. Sim replacement has helped when phones like the HTC one do not get 4g or they don't detect their sim.
  16. It's crazy, right? My wife will call me driving home with the radio, defrost, etc going and it sounds like she's in a sound booth and/or sitting next to me.


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    You're not the first one to say something almost exactly like this. I've heard this multiple times from customers who have experienced the new technology.
  17. NV is pretty complete but this would happen in areas where they're done and work in progress. But the time between devices was probably 5 min. When it was still off I put a screen protector on since it's easier with a black screen.

    Edit. Either way this one holds a lot better signal strength wise so I'm leaning towards a not so good rf performer for my old one.


  18. Off topic but my new g2 seems to hold connection a lot better than my old one. I used to only get a mile or so away from my home tower and it would drop lte. Now it holds for a few miles at least.


  19. Am I going to get the benefit of 800 voice/data 3G/4G on my G2 before Spark update is made?

    We already have 800 for voice. It's pretty much everywhere now. Green Bay has lte 800. Milwaukee is moving quicler than you think.
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