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Posts posted by smalltimehack

  1. Sooo...I just called my local sprint store about if they were having a pre order list like some stores have. The guy who I was speaking with said they were and that they would need to look at my account to see what they can do and I told him I'm not due for a upgrade and I plan on paying full retail and he told me not to waste my time and that they are not selling full retail iPhones and that sprint is not making no money cause I am buying in at full retail ( which I'm sure is true). But that is so rude for him to say that to me. I'm sure Tmo, Verizon and AT&T aren't rejecting people from paying full price if they choose because that retaining customers. 


    I thought Id share that 2 min phone call.

    When I worked for a 3rd party last year we did this too. We make more off adding lines than selling full outright. Both as a company and employee.

    The day after they may be more lenient on selling you a full retail phone if they have any in stock.

    Do I agree with this? No. Does it make sense for the company? Yes.

  2. Wait so there is a list I can sign???



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    My local corporate store says they're starting a list. First come first serve to get put on the list and then they'll hold a phone for you. According to him they're only going to get 10 or so on launch day so I wanna make sure I get one. I'm in a smaller town so who knows how other cities and what not will be doing it.

    When I was at a third party store last year we did first come first serve on launch without the list the week before. It was kinda chaotic since we only had 3 phones and we had to order the rest.

  3. At least you won't have to deal with all the crazies at the Apple Store or Sprint store.



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    I plan on going to put my name on the list for a phone on Friday and hopefully I'll be first. Be in and out before all the crazies wake up. Lol.
  4. I would take that with a huge grain of salt.


    I am sure it is no doubt possible with using EASYPAY, but not with iphone for life.


    Besides, what is the point of early upgrades, if there is no new iphone to upgrade to?

    Oh I am. I'm not worried about upgrading a month from now. I would just like the option to be able to get the 6S when it comes out next year instead of being locked in.

  5. I doubt it, it is what says it is; you are leasing an iphone for 2 years, you get a new iphone every 2 years.


    not getting an iphone every 2 years + early upgrades

    Figured as much. I didn't know if anyone else's wheels were turning like mine so I figured I would ask.


    Edit. I just asked care over chat and they said it is possible as long as you pay the $5 a month.

  6. Are you stock? If you are and are running 4.4.4 then you already have the latest radio. You can check the radio version in Settings -> About phone -> Baseband version. The latest is

    Stock rooted running Franco. It's the radio I'm already on so I guess I'm good to go.
  7. I've been away from my nexus for awhile and I just activated it again. I'm curious what radio is the radio to have now. I'm in the Milwaukee market so I have B26 pretty much everywhere I go and would like to be able to actually use my phone instead of outright speed when standing right under the tower. Opinions?

  8. I'm not on the beta, but when I had that on iOS 6 I fixed it by signing out of iCloud and back in.

    Tried it.

    I actually haven't had the issue now since last night. I downloaded all the software and what not to do it this morning but haven't found a need to. I did forget to sign out of my Game Center and back in under the new password so I think this may have been what resolved it for me for now. Time will tell.



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  9. Is it something that makes the device unusable? Or is it just annoying? If it's the latter, you may just have to wait it out until beta 6 if you don't want to do a Restore.



    Extremely annoying. I would rather resolve the issue then let it be as much as I don't want to do a restore.

    Am I correct that I have to go to iOS 7 and then back up again since I'm not a developer? Or is there some other way?



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