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Posts posted by tmiw

  1. Anyone in PB?  Any LTE signal there?  There is a site there with "2 data speed upgrades"


    From my observation since we started getting LTE, all "2 data speed upgrades" are confirmed in San Diego with LTE.


    I was there earlier tonight. Tried to map but it claimed it mapped 0 points or something for 2G, 3G and 4G. It's possible it didn't work correctly.  :(

  2. I was just up in Pasadena for 4-days and it was really nice having solid, consistent 4G. On my EVO 4G LTE I was averaging 10mbps, but at the same time my wife's iPhone5 was getting about 20mbps.  I'm tired of being teased with 4G around here.  When the Moto X comes out next month, if things haven't improved by then, I'm seriously considering jumping ship. Sprint's done a good job at wearing out a loyal customer. I know the just wait, just wait, things will get better argument...but I've been just waiting since my original EVO 4G wimax days.  I'm on the edge, man..talk me off the edge!


    There are a lot of towers that have been upgraded for 3G but not 4G. I think a lot of them are going to go to 4G in a short timeframe once fiber's in place; we just don't know when that'll happen. (Hopefully soon!)

  3. The only thing about the plans that I'll need clarification on is how discounts work. It appears that they only apply to the data section of the plan at all. There's an example provided that shows the total discount coming off ONLY the $30 data charge per line, and nothing off the rest of the MRC. And this is for "Unlimited, My Way". Unless this is in error, or confusing...


    This. Though I almost never use my phone for voice anyway, so I'd probably keep my current plan.

  4. Correct.  The ESMR band is from 817-824 MHz and 862-869 MHz.  So the 6.25 x 6.25 MHz of Mexican Primary spectrum does encroach into the US ESMR band by 1.5 MHz ending at 818.5 MHz.  I wish the US and Mexico could swap the 6.25 x 6.25 MHz blocks so that the US Primary spectrum is adjacent to the Co-Primary spectrum so that Sprint would have the full 7x7 MHz of 800 MHz spectrum.  But I do know that the US public safety uses spectrum from 806-809 MHz which is why the US chose the first half of 6.25 MHz


    I wonder why directional antennas couldn't be used to ensure the signal didn't cross over to Mexico, especially since skip is very unlikely at such a high frequency. Like, I'm sure it's a treaty/law thing, but still.

  5. That is my question.  But that all hinges on what does "Co-primary" mean for the 5.5 x 5.5 MHz part for the ESMR band.  If that means that Sprint only has 5.5 x 5.5 MHz to play with, then I don't see why Sprint wouldn't deploy a 3x3 LTE and a CDMA carrier.  Sprint should try to make use of all available spectrum that they have on hand for better voice and data speeds.  


    I believe the NV panels on the NV cell sites in San Diego contain the typical 800/1900 MHz support?  If so, then Sprint can add 800 MHz to it once this rebanding is finished.  I surely hope that Sprint did not erect 1900 MHz only NV panels in the Mexican border affected markets (Tucson, San Diego, El Paso, southwest San Antonio).


    The panels support it, but there's no RF equipment for 800 installed.

  6. What are you talking about?  The new 800 MHz band plan would only give Sprint 5.5 x 5.5 MHz to play with.  That means at most a 3x3 LTE carrier and a 1.25x1.25 CDMA carrier can be deployed at 800 MHz.


    The white "US Primary" on the post-reallocation part of the graphic says 6.25 x 6.25, which I assume means that Sprint has priority over anything on the Mexican side in that part of the band.

  7. Is Sprint going to deploy a 3x3 MHz LTE carrier in markets of southeast US? I am curious when Sprint starts rolling out triband LTE devices if they will test 3 and 5 MHz bandwidths for 800 MHz.


    Also I don't understand the new proposed 800 MHz Mexican/US band plan below. What does "Co-Primary" mean? Does this mean that if this new band plan passes those cities near the Mexican border will be able to deploy a 3x3 LTE carrier and 1 CDMA carrier?


    Looks like at least one 5x5 LTE and 1 CDMA carrier, for a grand total of 12.5MHz (6.25 each direction).

  8. I disagree. Having "unlimited" doesn't properly convey the value that Sprint is providing.

    Instead, Sprint should, and probably will, have caps like 10 GB or 20 GB.


    Then, someone with 4 GB on Verizon paying $110 will look at someone on Sprint with 20GB also paying $110, and they'll switch.


    I would almost be fine with losing "unlimited" as long as pricing remained reasonable and as long as tethering was no longer an extra cost option.

  9. I was at the Krispy Kreme in Clairemont this morning and I got 1mbps or so down on 3G. Not sure what tower I was on but there is one in that shopping center that's 3G only according to the sites complete map. Does that mean the backhaul is there already and they just need to turn on LTE, or did I get the fast speeds because I was really close to the tower?

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