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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. Not sure the model but we got it around July, so Id say the newer one?


    I was just hoping for something that could better get through the paper-thin walls.


    Im sure sprint could do a screening process, ie, no 800mhz one for apartment dwellers, yes if youre on a 1/2 acre lot etc.

  2. The Airave is designed for use in a single family home. 1900MHz works fine on an Airave in a single family home in the city or country. It makes no sense to add 800MHz capability to an Airave. They cannot broadcast the signal around a city block. It will cause interference.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


    The reason I ask is because we have an airave and it doesnt reach the bedrooms 25 feet away, much less around the block.


    Signal is 65 immediately adjacent, degrading to less than 100 in the bedrooms, which allows for dropped calls.


    House is typical 1970s suburban wood-frame construction.

  3. No. It is unknown whether they will in the future, but it is unlikely. They do not want an Airave to have much more coverage than they already do, because it will just cause more interference issues.




    Id wager many people with the device live in rural or thickly forested suburban areas....hence the need for the device.


    Shouldn't be an interference issue in those cases.

  4. Visiting family this weekend, playing around with a photon, wondering why it was on old Android.


    Goolgine revealed its stuck that way forever.


    Needless to say, Motorla created a family that will simply never consider their products when it comes time to upgrade.

    • Like 1
  5. Can Sprint still increase the range of these things by calling them?


    We live in a decently sized house, and in my bedroom signal is around 96, which isnt bad but I had two dropped calls today.


    Would trying to raise the unit higher increase range? The location is pretty much fixed though, but it can move up/down and left/right a couple feet.

  6. 6 days after the storm, service is vetter but not perfect. Id say 80%


    -No wimax

    -Most calls go out, after a deya

    -Most calls come in, although I got a voicemail notification for a "ghost" call something like 6 hours after it was left.

    -Texts come in, occasionally texts take two attempts to go out.


    In all, Id give sprint a very bad rating. Had a good roaming signal since Wednesday, but wasnt able to USE it until Friday. Verizon was much faster getting things together than sprint was.

    • Like 1
  7. I can't even make phone calls constantly roaming and my phone keeps losing battery because of it. Its not helping that I don't have power either and I live in New Brunswick decent sized city

    If you need to save power use airplane mode and then check occasionally for service. I'm in nb a well, downtown has power if you need to plug in.


    This Verizon thing is really posing me off


    "thank you for calling vw please hold for an operator to make a credit card phone card our collect call"

  8. They do. Take it to a store, get on-site service. If it can't be fixed, get a replacement. It's a service and repair plan. Sprint could just roll it in to the rate plans and give the service to everyone, but instead Sprint gives the option for you to not have it. Sprint is then kind enough to only charge you $35 for a replacement phone (at a loss, I'm sure).


    Youre missing the whole point.


    Its under warranty. That means the cost of replacement or repair should be zero. Not 20, not 35, zero. Thats what a warranty means! Ive never heard of a company charging you within the warranty period, ever.


    Service and repair plans exist to EXTEND the warranty, or fix issues not covered by warranty (ie, dropping the phone). Thats how every other company operates.


    I quite frankly dont understand how its remotely legal that sprint does this.

    • Like 1
  9. Right, you're paying Sprint every month for cellular service.


    It's great that VZW goes above and beyond in the device replacement aspect. For their rates, they probably should...


    Except that the for 98% of us, youre tied to the contract thanks to the hardware. So working hardware is important.


    If your comcast modem breaks, you call comcast, not Motorola, because theyre tied together. If your TV breaks, you dont call comcast because theyre not tied together.


    I expect sprint to fix customers phones, especially if its a software issue, Straight talk? Not so much.

    • Like 2

    Doubt that there will be any (successful) lawsuits. The phone has a warranty from the manufacturer. If there is an issue with it you should be able to send it back to them for free service, though that can obviously be inconvenient. If one wants the convenience of on the spot repairs, it doesn't seem unreasonable to have them pay for the equipment service and repair program included in TEP or pay $35 for a repair. At the end of the day Sprint is running a business and trying to turn a profit; the repair techs salaries has to come from somewhere.


    Maybe Im spoiled with the verizon policy. Within a year? Itll be fixed (ie, exchanged) no questions asked (well, they do ask if theres exterior damage or water damage). Been over a year? if youre a long time customer, also not an issue.


    Were paying Sprint, not Samsung/HTC etc a 2 year contract.


    You dont profit by screwing over customers.

  11. More new towers.....not talking about rural areas, just areas that have grown rapidly in the past 10 years and Sprint hasnt expanded their coverage (think western and sunbelt cities)

    More new towers to cover important highways


    Improved customer service.


    User-accessible sim cards on all LTE phones (like Verizon)


    Global support on all LTE phones (sort of like verizon)


    Improved customer service. $35 charge to fix a phone....thats in warranty? Im pretty sure that is criminal (as in, a lawsuit would change it).

  12. Id guess Sprint will do what Verizon is doing right now for people still using Altell data....


    They tell you it's gone, you can keep the phone for talk only, but heres $x for a discounted upgrade which we recommend you take.

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