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Posts posted by kckid

  1. Sprint must be continuing to work on the network, This morning, when I toggled my airplane mode, I connected LTE to the two nearest towers, but it quickly went to eHRPD and have not been able to connect LTE since. This was at 151st and Nall in OP.

  2. Have not been able to connect 4G from home, so went to the location where I had previously connected 4G ( 135st and Neiman). I connected 4G after toggling to CDMA and back to LTE. I tried to do a speed test, but it would not complete.


    There is more work to be done in this area... :)


    Why when I do a prl update, it says it was updated, but the version doesn't change? Does it really update it?

  3. I have cleared the file, and currently connected eHRPD. The file is empty and has been that way for the last 5 minutes. I will check it again when I get back to overland park where I know there it's lte and let you know what happens.


    File is still empty this morning. I will drive by the location where I made the LTE connection, and see what happens then.

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  4. I was in southern Missouri this weekend on a canoe trip. The only service that was available was from Alltel. When are you charged for roaming and how do you know if you will be charged for roaming? I thought must carriers in the US had agreements that allowed other carriers to use their network.


    A friend I was with said he was roaming in GA and got a pretty expensive bill. He is also a sprint customer.



  5. We reported that in lab testing, the EVO LTE had a connectivity issue with the LTE network. They did not have it worked out before they shipped the device. We believe that an OTA is coming soon to fix the issue, and Sprint is blocking LTE connections to prevent the issue from becoming known.


    We already had a member who ran the EVO LTE and Galaxy Nexus side by side for a day or so when connected to Sprint 4G LTE in Atlanta. At first, the EVO LTE had no issues and actually performed better than the GNex. But after a few hours, the EVO LTE would not connect to LTE at all. It was almost like the LTE signal was not there anymore. However, his GNex could connect to the LTE still and ran just fine. He tried rebooting, cycling through airplane mode, LTE mode, etc. but could not get the EVO LTE back on the LTE network. The GNex was unaffected and continued to connect and run fast on Sprint LTE.


    Later, on its own, the EVO LTE came back and connected to the LTE network again...but several hours later. Our member would have had no idea there was an issue with the EVO had he not also owned a GNex. He would have assumed that the tower was just taken down or blocked during the period where the EVO LTE did not get a signal. So we are taking this episode (and another one reported) as anecdotal evidence in support of the LTE Connectivity issue we reported.


    I don't think we will see Sprint stop LTE blocking until they can fix the problem with the LTE Connectivity issue. Hopefully, Sprint/HTC can issue a fix soon.




    Thanks for the Info!!

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