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Posts posted by jordanlong20

  1. I figure the LG bloatware will cost about 700mAH battery per day, so I'm personally calling it a draw. You can make that decision on your own though on what the software will burn through.

    I assume you mean software mods too, because there is no way a few bloatware apps use 700 mah per day.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  2. if we are correct in that there is only one North American model, then I dont think the sprint version could do anything differently than the play store version which would be unlocked and avaialble for any bands.


    I would not be surprised if the sprint variant had blocked the other bands/locked it to sprint.


    I'm no expert on how carriers authenticate/block/activate/etc, but it seems plausible. 

  3. In the past Sprint was very willing to move my upgrade date up by 3-4 months. They seemed quite happy to do so for long time customers. This was 2 years ago so they may have tightened up under New Sprint.


    Thanks, we have multiple lines and have been customers for 10-12 years. I'll give it a go when we know more N5 info.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  4. Has anyone ever had any luck getting sprint to move up an upgrade eligible date? I'm due on Jan 1st, but I need to buy my next phone before the end of 2013. technically, all I need is for my upgrade date to be moved up one day...


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  5. I want sprint to carry it so I have a warranty for device failure (not drop/crack/spill/lose) and so I can get subsidized pricing.


    I also have best buys $50 off offer tied to my line which could knock the price down as low as $150.


    Doing that I still have the flexibility to take my n5 to anther carrier, although I would have to reactivate an old phone and keep that line open for 2 years.




    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  6. Ok so yeah it looks like we will get something from Google today.


    What is more likely:


    1) full announcement today and ordering can begin on Friday (Nov 1st as per @evleaks)


    2) today is just a mention of their Friday Nov 1st announcement


    But for 2) why would Vic have trouble sleeping on a Sunday?

    Because he is so excited to go back to work on Monday...


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  7. We used to see rumors out of nowhere every single day from the tech sites. The invites for the 24th event (tomorrow) went out, supposedly with no hardware reveal, and none of the tech sites write about it? I mean, they were coming up with rumors left and right out of thin air, but here comes Google announcing an event and they all stay quiet? Not even questioning the supposed "no hardware reveal"? Yeah sounds fishy.


    I'm sure they'd love the ads revenue by posting about it, which leads me to think they havent posted about it just because they cant...

    That is a good point.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



  8. I would love to buy this off contract, then time the use of my upgrade around a high demand phone that I could resell 'new' off contract to someone else.


    since the evo lte will be gettting 4.3, I should be fine in case I have to use that device if i was to break my N5 (knock on wood).

  9. Since this is technically one model/SKU, wouldn't it be far more likely that all carriers are using same software(esp with only one source, play store).


    If there were different models and sellers(like a sprint sold version, art, tmo) then I would assume the likelihood of one carrier lagging behind goes way up.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  10. Wait, are you talking about Sensorly or SignalCheck? Sensorly is the app that maps data connections so people can get a feel for how the network has been built in a city, while SignalCheck tells you about the signal strength and connection type. If you're looking for the latter read the first post in this thread or read this: 



    you're right, I misspoke. I meant signal check. 

  11. The Evo 4G LTE was my last HTC device. The LTE radio was garbage, and wouldn't pick up even when I stood underneath the tower. Traded it to some kid on craigslist for an older Galaxy Nexus, which I'm still using, and picks up LTE just fine.


    Also , has anyone compared phones signal strengths side by side ie evo LTE, gs4, motox , lg2 etc?


    That would be awesome.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  12. The Evo 4G LTE was my last HTC device. The LTE radio was garbage, and wouldn't pick up even when I stood underneath the tower. Traded it to some kid on craigslist for an older Galaxy Nexus, which I'm still using, and picks up LTE just fine.

    Did you ever compare the two side by side for actual signal strength?


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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