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Everything posted by danlodish345

  1. hey let's wake this thread up we need to get people posting again
  2. . They are screwed no matter what anyways ....
  3. hmm I think for my market Comcast is the worst....they a monopoly over the cable here
  4. who is the worst of the culprits in that market
  5. who is the back haul vender for the NYC market
  6. hmm is there an article on here that has been posted ...if so please direct me in the right direction
  7. I have AT&T for my note 4 which is unlocked and their speeds are absolutely horrible and hspa plus is faster then their LTE NETWORK and their voice service has gone down the tubes
  8. for the site thats by my house i would have to say that maybe the issue.....one of the above .....
  9. it's means you have 8 transmitters and 8 receviers on the tower that increases coverage and fringe coverage performance and also it increases capacity
  10. http://imgur.com/Q7DFuYA http://imgur.com/6zL4ulH http://imgur.com/I6ZYAzZ http://imgur.com/HoUslxB http://imgur.com/3lNTlTF
  11. I have pictures of the tower equipment but...there is a privacy fence so I did the best I could with the pictures
  12. Hey all I have a stealth site flag pole near my house ....I was wondering is there special hardware that has to be put inside the pole housing or does it use the standard antennas that get mounted on the anntena rack
  13. AT&T band 17 is heavily burdened in my area....sprints network just flies:) it looks like AT&T is starting to fall behind I am rooting for sprint
  14. We need new jersey sprint users to comment and let us know what is happening in new Jersey
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