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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Hate to be a pest, but bumping in the hopes someone can resolve this. I really miss my S4GRU notifications.. as far as I know, Tapatalk is the only way to get those while mobile.
  2. Android 7 is old, but it employs less aggressive power-saving measures so I don't think your issue is related to that particular factor. Not all devices reported full LTE info on Android 7, but if you're seeing all the information then you shouldn't have too many significant concerns. I sent you an e-mail about this: have you tried enabling the "Use Stale Data Workaround" option under Preferences > General?
  3. That is solid troubleshooting, thank you very much! I am still perplexed as to what is causing this. Have you tried disabling the battery optimization option for SignalCheck in your system settings?
  4. My Pixel 5 behaves the exact same way.. I believe that is normal ROAMAHOME behavior. It rarely hits my Airave, only when it completely loses T-Mobile signal.
  5. Those of you who are experiencing this issue -- is there a chance it is occurring when you are connecting to a non-LTE, non-CDMA cell such as HSDPA/HSPA/UMTS/etc?
  6. FYI ⚠️ I have received messages from several users with Samsung S20 and S21 devices reporting frequent SCP crashes. Unfortunately, none of my crash reporting or logging tools are capturing these incidents.. I am still looking into it. Presumably it's related to some sort of Samsung software update and hopefully they will correct it in a future update, but I am just speculating. If you experience an issue, please submit the Android crash report and send a diagnostic if you can, just in case it captures something. Thanks!
  7. Me too.. but ads get eyeballs, and eyeballs translate to customers. More customers = more capital = more investment into the network (hopefully). Plus, how can you not love that ad.. 😁 🐐
  8. I saw your most recent diagnostic report, unfortunately still no crash logs or any relevant information is attached. I'm kind of stumped on this one, but that's not the first (or last) time it's happened. At some point we will get this figured out -- or it's an OS software issue that will be resolved in a future update and we'll never know what it was.....
  9. Send a diagnostic when you get a chance if you haven't already? Would like to compare firmware versions with others reporting issues..
  10. I haven't forgotten about you (and certainly haven't given up on you), still looking into your issue and trying to figure out what might be going on. I'll be in touch! That's annoying and needs to be fixed -- thank you for the heads up, I'll work on it!
  11. You are seeing Clearwire on the latest update from a few days ago, or the one before that? There was a bug in 4.64 but should be fixed in 4.65..
  12. The website seems fine, but S4GRU has completely vanished from Tapatalk for me. Searching for it turns up nothing!
  13. An update to SignalCheck Pro is rolling out now, and should appear on Google Play within the next few hours! In addition to bugfixes, there were some other significant changes.. the full changelog is also posted at https://signalcheck.app/change-log and under the Help option in the app: Resolved issue with alternate PLMN ID method active on LTE regardless of user preference setting. The last update included an option to use an alternate method to obtain the PLMN ID.. unfortunately there was a bug, and the app used the alternate method no matter what the user selected. This is now fixed; if you preferred the alternate method, you will need to enable the option if you have not already done so. Added automated in-app update functionality. Moving forward, you will be notified when you bring SignalCheck to the foreground if there is an update available on Google Play. If there is, you are given the option to download it without leaving SignalCheck, and then a prompt will remain at the bottom of the app with a button to install it at your convenience. When you install it, the app will restart itself. Updates are still served by Google Play, this is just an alternative way of receiving them. Depending on a number of factors, you may see the update available in your Google Play app before it appears in SignalCheck. Google Play updates its cache of available versions periodically in the background while SCP is running. When you open the Google Play app and check for updates, it forces an immediate refresh of that cache. So once a new update is released, you will not see it in the app until that cache is refreshed, either in the background or by you checking the Google Play app. In any case, I would not expect the delay to be extremely significant (the exact period of time is something you would have to ask Google). Changed Trail Logger to skip duplicate crumbs with the same coordinates. (Pro) Instead of continuously creating an infinite amount of trail log entries when your device is stationary and not changing cells, it will only record each cell once until the coordinates change. There is no value in using CPU, battery, and storage resources to record the same information repeatedly. Updated selected Sprint / T-Mobile PLMN labels. Old Clearwire labels were removed, and sites now in transition due to the merger are labeled "Sprint Keep" or "T-Mobile/Sprint". Other PLMNs remain unchanged for now. Added option to display LTE/NR cell ID in decimal format with sector. (Pro) A new display format option asked for by users. As always, I appreciate everyone's support and look forward to continuing to make the app better however I can. Thank you!
  14. No worries, it just makes it easier if I'm only tracking user issues in one spot instead of multiple. I will check out your report later tonight and we'll continue chatting over e-mail.
  15. Thank you for the in-app updater feedback! It appears to be working as designed. I will elaborate on a post in the main SignalCheck thread shortly, in conjunction with a new release rolling out now. A new beta is rolling out as well, it only has a couple of minor changes. It is mostly to keep the beta version aligned with the public release. I appreciate all of your help!
  16. Hello again, I see you are posting and e-mailing me the same thing, it all gets to me so you don't need to do that. I tried e-mailing you back but perhaps that's not working again. Please send me a diagnostic report from within the app so I can try to get a better idea of what is going on. You never replied to my last message; are you using a custom ROM?
  17. Another SignalCheck beta update is rolling out now.. it includes some minor fixes, but the real goal is is to test the in-app update functionality. Once it is available on Google Play, it should be offered the next time you open SignalCheck. If you happen to see the app update offered in your Google Play app before you see it in SignalCheck itself, please do not update on Google Play. Instead, open up SCP.. you should be prompted to update. Please try it and let me know if there are any issues!
  18. Also included in the overnight SignalCheck beta update was the addition of automated in-app updates. When you open the app, it checks for an updated version; if there is one available, you will be offered the option to download it without leaving the app. Once it's downloaded, a bar will remain at the bottom of the app's main screen with a button to install it and restart the app at your convenience. The app update process is still handled by Google Play, this feature just eliminates the need to check the Play Store for updates.
  19. S4GRU Premier Sponsors and above who are on the Beta Crew, please see this post about a new feature you are invited to test. If you're not a Premier Sponsor, or not on the crew.. sit tight for now! Also, new beta update will be rolling out tonight. It has some minor changes, including better identification of fringe LTE signals and improvement to the Trail Logger -- no more repeated entries when your phone is remaining in the same spot, remaining connected the same cell.
  20. I didn't plan on doing anything with it in the app UI yet, just thought it might be useful/interesting for people to have the data in their log. Perhaps to use it as the sort field when browsing their log.
  21. Minor beta update rolling out.. alternate PLMN option was always being used on LTE, regardless of user preference setting. Also updated Clearwire to show as Sprint and (hopefully) resolved a crash.
  22. So much for the clean slate.. there's already a bug! The "Use alternate PLMN ID" option is enabled regardless of your setting. Will get an update out later on today soon to correct that.
  23. A huge update to SignalCheck Pro has been finished and is rolling out on Google Play right now.. version 4.64 should be available for download sometime over the next several hours. A big thank you to the Beta Crew for providing tons of feedback and helping get this release stable! There is a long list of bugfixes and stability improvements, as well as some new features. One significant technical item to note is this is the first build targeting Android 10 since last spring. The previous attempt was rolled back because of issues with stale data on several devices; in testing, this has not been as severe. Please let me know if you experience any problems. The full change log is available in the app (popup after updating, or anytime under Help > Change Log), or at https://signalcheck.app/change-log. Besides lots of bugfixes and force closes resolved, here are the highlights: Added 5G-NR site notes and logging features. When a 5G cell is identified with a PLMN and NCI, a site note can be created and it will be saved in the Site Log database. If there is no PLMN+NCI (i.e. non-standalone 5G connections), a site note cannot be created and nothing will be logged. Improved reliability of Alerts. Some alerts, especially the 5G-NR alerts, were not consistently firing. A new 5G alert for band-specific 5G connections or a custom plain-text match has been added, identical to the existing alerts for LTE. If the 5G band is not able to be identified (i.e. non-standalone connections), the "All Bands" option must be selected or it will not trigger the alert. Added "Trail Logger" feature. The existing "Site Logger" records one entry per cell; this new log will record one entry every time the signal strength changes. This can be useful for some users, but should not be enabled when not needed -- in testing, it averaged about 900 entries per hour. If you were to leave this running for awhile, the database could get extremely large in a short period of time. There is likely some battery impact as well, however it is difficult to measure that. Added "hits" column to Site Log. This will reflect the number of times the particular cell has been logged. Added option to use alternate method to obtain PLMN ID. Android reports the connected PLMN via many different methods; SignalCheck typically the most reliable method, however other methods occasionally report different data. For example, T-Mobile is currently reporting some PLMNs differently; enable this option to use a different method. This is likely needed to see PLMN 312250 in the field. If your device is older or you experience issues seeing connection information with this option enabled, you may need to disable it. Improved some system shortcut options on Android 10/11. While improved in this version, not all of these features are working on newer versions of Android due to security and access changes. Hopefully I can continue to work on this. As always, please feel free to provide any feedback you may have. Thank you to everyone for your support, and Merry Christmas!
  24. New beta is rolling out right now.. includes a new option: Preferences > General > Use Alternate PLMN ID As promised, this option will use a different method to obtain the PLMN ID, which in some instances, will give a different value (i.e. T-Mobile sites showing 312250). On modern devices, enabling this should not cause any issues, but if you experience problems, please let me know. This version is also being rolled out as a public release, with dozens of changes and bugfixes thanks to your testing results and feedback. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
  25. Speaking of which, have you roamed on USCC with ROAMAHOME? I know in central NH outside of Sprint coverage, USCC roaming was a godsend. Curious if that changes with the merger.. although TMO appears to have more native coverage anyway.
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