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S4GRU Staff Member
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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. T-Mobile has a wide pipe? I thought that it would be a long pipe. Okay, this penis metaphor is getting confusing... AJ
  2. To revisit this thread, the Galaxy Note II is getting long in the tooth. The time may have come to confine it to the "cellphone coffin" -- aka the old handset/tablet drawer. AJ
  3. While I have not necessarily seen stats to back it up, the impression is voice traffic has declined so much in the face of messaging and data alternatives that running full rate or even HD has little consequence on capacity. AJ
  4. Band 26 is short but thick, while band 41 is Long Dong Silver. AJ
  5. Everyone knows band 26 has an e-penis. AJ
  6. Uh, band 26 is a man, and you just patted him on the butt. Deal with it. AJ
  7. No, we are going to rap your screen and hope it cracks. AJ
  8. Good observation. The explanation for the varied roaming maps may be as simple as that. But along those lines, too bad for the millions of simpletons out there who do not understand their handsets and settings. AJ
  9. Consider this a PSA for everyone. Tone and technique go a long way. If you write something to the effect of "I was disappointed in Sprint service. It had better improve soon, or else I'm leaving," then you have violated the rules. You and your post may be subject to staff action. Instead write along the lines of "Sprint service was not up to its highest standards. What could have caused this?" Then, you might actually get some answers. Ask questions. Do not make blatantly negative assertions. Make sense? AJ
  10. To put it succinctly, no one at S4GRU wants to hear your complaints -- or anyone else's complaints. Direct them somewhere else, or keep them to yourself. And if you are planning to port out, that is your call. But there is no need to announce it here. AJ
  11. Yep, lots of places. Zoom in on former Alltel properties that VZW divested to AT&T. All have W-CDMA now. Some sites also have a GSM "underlay." The diagonal hash marked coverage is W-CDMA, no GSM. http://www.att.com/maps/wireless-coverage.html AJ
  12. My point is that, in Rapid City and other places, AT&T went in, ripped out the CDMA2000 infrastructure, and installed literal GSM. Not only W-CDMA, actual GSM. Circa 2012. Unbelievable. AJ
  13. Can you stand it now? Still bad. Can you stand it now? Still bad. AJ
  14. In Rapid City, it has been replaced by the superior, 25 year old Global System for Mobile Communications. AJ
  15. You have one year left. Go out and live, dammit, live! AJ
  16. When VZW starts pushing VoLTE, it needs to bring back that guy. Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?! Screw it, just switch the voice mode back to CDMA. AJ
  17. Can you see my SMS now? Good. Can you see my SMS now? Good. AJ
  18. Premier section access is a perk for those who have donated at least $100 to help keep the non profit site up and running. AJ
  19. ♫ Suddenly Awful ♫ Sing along, everyone... AJ
  20. Really? Northwest Indiana is in Indiana? I had no idea. AJ
  21. Guys, this is much ado about nothing. Individual device coverage maps have oft been inaccurate. Do not worry about it. All Sprint roaming to this point is either Cellular 850 MHz or PCS 1900 MHz. And all modern devices support both bands for CDMA2000. Until Sprint adds Lower 700 MHz, Upper 700 MHz, and/or AWS 2100+1700 MHz LTE roaming, the need for individual device coverage maps is basically nil. AJ
  22. What "historical mistakes"? You had better back that up with substance. Otherwise, you are just sniping from the peanut gallery with the perspective of hindsight. And that does not make for actual analysis. Additionally, if going down this path, should we highlight the "historical mistakes" that T-Mobile has made? AJ
  23. Flashing and MMS? Former congressman Anthony Weiner approves that message. AJ
  24. Why do you think old husbands frequently develop selective hearing loss? AJ
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