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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Do you not understand data compression and average bit rate? FLAC is a compressed lossless format. Its maximum bit rate for 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio is meaningless to the average bit rate. AJ
  2. No, you and/or the analysts are mistaken. Learn more about FLAC. For 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio, FLAC will average under 1 Mbps. I should know, as I have ripped thousands of CDs to FLAC. AJ
  3. Sprint already has low band spectrum. Additional low band spectrum would be just raw material -- it would not build its own new sites. A 5 MHz FDD chunk of 600 MHz would not bring "results." AJ
  4. Maybe, even exchange rate aside, many goods and services are more expensive in Canada. How is that for a revelation? Now, hand me my Nobel Prize in Economics. AJ
  5. Are you serving Google Messenger the lawsuit via SMS? AJ
  6. A place for Pixel talk, and Pixel talk in its place. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/7603-htcgoogle-pixel-and-pixel-xl-users-thread/page-4&do=findComment&comment=495471 AJ
  7. Ah, then a VZW variant Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is just the handset for you. Very little RF radiation directed at your body or your serving cell site. AJ
  8. Not transmitted power, conducted power. Some handsets already can exceed 23 dBm EIRP on band 41. AJ
  9. Ahem, why is all of this Samsung Galaxy Note 7 talk in this thread? We already have a longstanding thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/7568-samsung-galaxy-note-7-dying-embers-thread/ S4GRU staff will be "pushing out an update" to move the posts to the appropriate location. AJ
  10. Conducted power, not necessarily transmitted power. We already have some handsets that top 23 dBm EIRP on band 41 by way of antenna gain. But if the antenna gain is shitty, an increase to 26 dBm conducted power easily could get attenuated back down to 21-22 dBm EIRP. AJ
  11. Er, people reference EDGE and HSPA+ inappropriately way too often. GSM and W-CDMA, those are the voice carriers. EDGE and HSPA+ are just packet data enhancements, not meant for voice. e/SRVCC does not hand down from VoLTE to EDGE or HSPA+. No, it hands down to GSM or W-CDMA. AJ
  12. No, the Qualcomm baseband was one of the first to support uplink CA, but I do not recall that it was ever tested and authorized in the Sprint variant HTC One A9. AJ
  13. Un-Neutral. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/12/t-mobile-excited-about-life-under-trump-reversal-of-net-neutrality-rules/ AJ
  14. So, Stage 4 at 70 MHz will be the final round with 30 MHz (15 MHz FDD) reserve spectrum. Once Stage 4 fails to complete the auction, Stage 5 will reduce the reserve to 20 MHz (10 MHz FDD), correct? AJ
  15. As long as VZW and AT&T do not sit on their hands entirely, then the future 600 MHz ecosystem will be okay. But if T-Mobile is the only major operator to come away with anything, then all bets are off, and 600 MHz could be a niche band. AJ
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