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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. In Western Washington, if you have B41 you have the best network experience in most situations. I have you have B25 (which is now 10x10), you have an overall pretty good experience. It's the 3G gaps and deep in-building situations because of no B26. But now the end is nigh. Finally.


    Sprint has solid chance of being the best here when they get B26 deployed. But it's now a fair competitor and will only get better as the gaps are filled with B26.


    Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0


    I couldn't agree more with up here. It's hard because of the terrain but B26 will help a lot with that.

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  2. Woke up this morning to "No Service" or 1 bar on Sprint/Verizon 1x at the top of my iPhone so I drove out to my home Clear site and found a crew upgrading it to mini macros! Talked to the guy in charge a bit and he says his team started doing conversions 3 or 4 days ago and is doing about 2 conversions every day. Apparently his schedule is packed for the next few weeks - Sprint is not here to play!


    Is that in Kirkland?

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