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Everything posted by Johnner1999

  1. noticed that too Seems maybe this isn't finished updating... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. It's not new... $50 iPhone unlimited plan $20 iPhone 6 Now I'm all for making profits. But don't say hey new mind blowing plan T-MOBILE unlimited plan is $80 too but you'll need to pony up $15-28 more! So that's value here at sprint. But with T-Mobile you get 7gb teathering, and free swap of phone 3 times a year... Options are good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I do like the video... except David Beckham, would not be accepted here as he seems to what unlimited data to stream music and videos. Also like how even Sprint feels AT&T has the strongest LTE. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The re/code article didnt focus on network.... just the "new" plan. Which isnt new unless it has some features that isnt known yet. As it stands now, sprint made John's plan of ridicule too easy of a target. But lets see what Sprint actually announces. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  5. IF this this is correct. SPRINT really misses the mark imho For me the new amped Jump at 3 device trade in per year, offer for no fees -- is great. I'd even settle for a lower end network. http://recode.net/2015/06/29/sprint-shoots-for-simpler-wireless-bill-does-not-score/ And for some, maybe even the majority this is a fantastic offer. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  6. I know. I wasn't be sarcastic. Granted i was being snarky with a twist of truth. In my Ericson area its a joke and I'd be estatic if Sprint partnered with Google, as they already for many years. Google voice works best with Sprint - flash forward to Google Fi Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  7. Hey that might be better than the current deployed "solution" Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  8. not the news bit for tomorrow... but it seems this is where the $100 for 2 family unlimited plan went to. Best Buy... so any news tomorrow on plans I assume would be not as good... http://www.engadget.com/2015/06/29/sprint-best-buy-one-family-plan/
  9. I really hope it's more to combat the new amped Jump program. Though that device does look nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. When using my iPhone or Android phone on TMO (in a LTE area) the voice quality simply amazing, never dropped a call) Just made a call on my Galaxy s6 with Sprint and sounds like a bad phonograph playing :-) only drop calls while driving - as the hand offs here sort of stink. I just wish TMO had more service where my wife works... main reason I just dropped TMO :-(
  11. I think Randal spent too much to build up the crap net AT&T had for years.... And now if these so-loyal unlimited users split for TMO it could be bad. And Well I assume John would bask in that!!! So the safe route is let them stay.....
  12. Also <I am most likely wrong> but how financially responsible is it to plan 10-15 years down the road - with such a large upfront CAPEX item like the 600MHz spectrum -- when you have more than enough currently?
  13. I think Sprint and TMO are the Peanut-butter and Jelly sandwich, of the mobile telecom world.
  14. yeah I wasn't saying either firm was all roses... my point was more of the fact that I never really heard people bash TMO as they do Sprint. MY ASSUMPTION was/is that most people were fine with TMO being an inner city provider at a fair price! Where as Sprint like ATT and VZW always seems to be proving they had coverage etc.... my area is more or less rural and when I have service with TMO at LTE - its been between 10 and 40 mbps down. Near my home I get about 30-35 anytime of the day, where as on Sprint its about 2-10 down when LTE is up. -- Same tower. I think Sprint is a better choice if you travel in more remote settings! PS... Agreed TMO does have a better overall network as they didn't have to gut everything. I do find it strange that TMO has been able to get backhaul issues resolved where Sprint SEEMS to have had a harder time. I know its been repeated here that Sprint made the wrong choices with backhaul as result. Both of them have made amazing progress!
  15. that is an amazing POV -- actually I knew TMO wasn't an option for where I lived... I tried them for over 10 years and only 2g EDGE at best. I actually never really considered them a national player. Rather a national - regional carrier that focused on major cities. Where as Sprint advertised as a true National option... so to your point - yeah TMO seemed to get (gets) a get out of jail card and pass directly to start collect $200 :-) Where as Sprint always got (gets) kicked in the ____.
  16. my version of complete - was/is when Sprint Tech Support and Engineering say my area is complete and has finished optimizations for each band... complete. Does that mean they won't add additional capacity later - no, I hope they would. But the current NV rollout was completed. I doubt they would have null-void my two leased iPhones if they thought the area would would improve in a few months or end of year. In fact Sprint more of less suggested that option before I brought it up. My area has many topographic issues - which is difficult for any wireless signal... The other three carriers seem to do OKAY though... I suspect its actually more of an Ericsson issue than Sprint to be honest. Some updated info though -- I stopped at a local Radio Shack store that just opened with a Sprint store... the person agreed with me that the area was not in good shape! BUT Microcells are planned for this area over the next 12 months. With high focus on 800 and 2600 - does that jive with what you folks see as a trend? Since being with TMO I have noticed that some towers in my area have no Sprint radios at all... which might also be the issue. Maybe the range of the NV2.0 build outs were not as powerful as originally thought... based on the area. I have seen many great VN2.0 build outs near my area - so I know what Sprint is capable of doing :-) #hopethatwasnttooranty
  17. 100% truth as many have said more or less - the biggest issue is the sprint haters; Family member ask's their nerd friend or family member 'i'm switching carriers, maybe i'll try sprint...' --- ' no don't even think about it sprint sucks' ---- '... oh okay thanks for that i'll stay clear - who do you recommend ?' --- ' well tmo seems to be for the people and have good service at lower costs....' or something like that i do enjoy how tmo's data strong statement is stronger data than verizon <based on current subscribers at tmo... or something to that effect> that said I've been on TMO now for 5 is weeks and in my area - i get band 4 only (which is their older AWS spectrum ) and I get about 20-40mbps down all the time. My area is suppose to be only band 2 and 12 for LTE so not sure what is up there. From a technology standpoint -- I am sort of shocked at the performance - since TMO uses the same towers that Sprint does in my home area. Yet with Sprint's full 800/190/2600 roll out complete I only saw 1mbps typically and when I saw LTE it was about 6mbps.... With Sprint's newer equipment I would have thought the reaction would be reversed. Especially since TMO hasn't upgraded any of its towers here (per the CT sitting Council) in over a year. --- oh and for those that ask why the hell is this guy still here? I actually do like Sprint the company ;-) AND in one area where I travel to TMO has nearly zero service.... so I keep my options open to come back to Sprint
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