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Everything posted by Johnner1999

  1. Well they met all goals I believe and for the majority it worked as advertised. No back peddling about back haul, only in metro, we need more equipment, we need better coordination, we need more time, we needed more money. If Marcelo can deliver his network as he promised- then he'll get great praise. And will be deserved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. So very true... But at this point I think aren't they all just trading up like pawns on a chessboard ha. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  3. And that's fine... Vzw can screw up. But I think the point is that they haven't so far. And if they didn't go 4g the other carriers (mostly att) would have slouched along at hapa speeds longer. And Sprint would have tried longer to make wimax work. I suppose anyways. It's semi easy to knock down T-Mobile as they are being gimicky to attract customers the most. It is working sadly though. I suspect that people are tired paying much more money to ATT and VZw. Or can't deal with Sprint. What's happening is though tmo can't keep its data strong network as fast as more people join. Hopefully Sprint doesn't have that problem, but first Sprint needs to attract its customers back. I'm more curious how many customers are leaving all four carriers, for dirt cheap Carriers like AARP and net 10. Since I'm typically not the most welcomed member here (due to my stupid posts admittedly) I'll be even more curious how the big four can deal with that occurring more than not. Granted that they sell the or rather lease the airwaves to the mvno but at slim margins. Then again data over the air is this country's geek crack lol. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  4. It's fine to mock But they have the resources... Didn't Samsung start 5g tests in Korea as well The partners with Verizon seem very capable. I don't think they have a standard yet but what some folks seem to skip over here is that some one is pushing ahead and not waiting around. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  5. Correct they have proven themselves. Can they fail on 5g sure... But I'll give them a pass till that occurs. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  6. Key word was nationwide... Wimax was great for regional use. But you can't drive from town to town... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  7. No I don't think that's what implied here. I mean up until a few months ago 3g was still being used by them. It shows that they are not standing still. They were the first in the US with a nationwide 4g roll out. And I suspect that they want to be in the same boat the next go around. 5g technology what ever that ultimately ends up being, will help them leave land lines entirely. Don't forget competition is a good thing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  8. Well except that they have a great track record of moving ahead. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  9. Unless I missed it, he doesn't say new York. Except that he is running in new York, but he does seem to live there when away from Washington. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  10. i never said it was about their future... I said that TMO would cost more than it would have in the past. And the fact that DT also wants to retain more shares if sold also helps that mind set. Hey its all tea leaves :-) but you have acknowledge that TMO is more secure funding wise than Sprint. And that blip in Sprint stock is mostly due to SB tossing in some money to show that they are not bailing....
  11. as most things of this topic... its a bit between the lines. Not saying they wouldn't sell Pink.... but I assume they want more for it these days. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/06/idUSL5N10H24120150806 and http://www.rcrwireless.com/20150807/carriers/deutsche-telekom-q2-revenues-up-tag23
  12. I'd see Comcast buying Sprint way before TMO.... especially since DT now see's TMO-US as a viable company; they will want more $$$ Sprint on the other hand.... And Comcast can really boost the cell performance with micro cells which Sprint needs. It would be a great partnership. that said -- I don't see Comcast buying either one.
  13. it is a great promotion for higher end users, and for sales people to brag about. I suspect less than 2% of TMO users will actually swap 3 phones a year!
  14. why waste his time with Sprint.... it would just create more work for him and generate even more trolls.
  15. I was semi correct. Seems it was only charged on the 4g phones at the time. Even if you didn't have the service. Either way poor name... https://community.sprint.com/baw/mobile/mobile-access.jspa#jive-discussion?content=%2Fapi%2Fcore%2Fv2%2Fdiscussions%2F76131 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. interesting I thought they changed it. Actually I think the issue I recall was that phones or smartphones like the Instinct or pre that didn't have WiMAX were charged the fee. And was then switched to premium data fee. Or was that backwards hmmm Or I suppose it's all in my head Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Bingo When my water company starts charging a premium fee to upgrade their equipment- I'm fine paying it till it is paid off. Sprint decided to charge a fee that never really was targeted for all users. Basically it was poorly worded and even worse at deployment. Especially since it launched as a 4g fee if I recall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. interesting -- that is very cool thanks for sharing! not an exact overlay I am sure -- Washington DC for both: https://network.sprint.com/DC/Washington/ (circa 2014/2015) 780 updates and http://www.att.com/gen/sites/focus?pid=22632&market=WDC Circa 2011 2400 updates which includes 80ish new towers I assume Money helps here
  19. well no -- i was actually repeating that Sprint seems always end announcements with - more time is needed. but hey to each there own! I think Marcelo has done a great job - he had a bunch of crap to clean up and wasn't (isn't) afraid to get his own hands dirty. In the past 24 months TMO has done the most at rattle the Big two. Sprint can do even better - but not now, maybe later ;-)
  20. except AT&T didn't create a site showing updates performed nor boast till it worked. And it took them about 2-3 years where as sprint is almost doubling or tripling that if you count WiMAX Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. No, I do. The seven Ps come to mind. Oh I recall both AT&T really sucking for many years once the 3G iPhone came out. Verizon not much better. But big red built its network and then boasted. Where AT&T needed to fall down hard many times. Now they seem to have a decent (not great) network. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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