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Bob Newhart

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Posts posted by Bob Newhart

  1. I used a Lumia 920 for a few months, it was pretty nice. But if you had an application that was poorly written and chewed up your battery, you had no way to know which application it was. I had to remove them all one by one, over time until I had none installed.


    Not very user friendly for people that wanted a little choice in how things work.

    The default email application would auto resize images when you sent them via email, you had no choice, it just did it for you. The images sent were of poor quality, lower resolution, high compression. No way to change this.


    I see it as an operating system in the middle of iOS and Android, where the user might be a little more capable.

    I replaced mine with a Nexus4, a much cheaper phone, much better. I did lose the AT&T LTE, but its still fast enough for me.

  2. Come on, I live in atlanta and I am averaging about twice what he is claiming. Besides, running speedtests at the airport probably won't give you the best results anyway, after all hartsfield jackson is the worlds busiest airport which averages a quarter million passengers every single day.


    A few weeks ago at that airport, I only found 4g on the plane, it was 3g everywhere else, pretty unusable.

    I didn't leave the airport do I don't know how it was in the city, which is miles away.

  3. Google should now back out, see if AT&T actually do anything.

    If you read into it, AT&T might not actually do anything anyway.


    It'd be good if Google would target areas where people don't have any broadband at all, or where people don't have a choice and are stuck with terrible DSL providers like CenturyUnlink.

  4. Yes, there was a lot of talk about the EVO LTE before than came out, how great it is, how amazing it is, then it turned out to a buggy phone.

    It sounds very much like that same phone again. On that review, it did have the update that said battery life on the HTC One was poor, "but it was pre-release firmware", we have heard that before.


    As we know, you can't fix broken hardware with software.

  5. Looking to replace my Galaxy Nexus with a phone that has a much stronger signal strength for locations within buildings and in the outskirts of towns.


    Of these below, which phone has the best signal strength?


    Samsung Galaxy SIII, HTV EVO LTE, Motorola Photon, LG Optimus G or another..


    I also want the 'disable roaming data' option to work, so I don't get hit with roaming charges in Canada.

    This option does not work on the GNex.


    It seems as though the SIII would the best bet right now, right?


    Even though I love bare Android, a working phone is more important to me. I have a Nexus4 for my work phone, that phone is amazing in every way.


    thanks very much

  6. My house alarm has a directional large yagi antenna for monitoring purposes, works well just about most of the time, as I'm on the edge of any service area. It is pointed at an AT&T tower, through a hill, through trees, I'm surprised it works at all.


    The word 'rural' could mean different things to different people, to city dwellers it might mean anywhere there isn't a starbucks.


    City dwellers do drive to rural places and expect there to be service. People from the cities have sued the national park service because of lack of service in Mount Rainier park, as a family member did something stupid and expected help at a moments notice.


    I do wonder why Sprint just updated their coverage maps to remove a lot of coverage that does exist in our area, I would've hoped/expect that to be the opposite after they expand the 800 Mhz CDMA tower upgrades. It could mean they are removing towers, hope not.

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  7. A large problem is them advertising no overages, BUT really charging for overages.


    Right now, if you have a 2GB data plan, and you go over, the speed gets reduced to less than edge speeds.

    In the new plan, the high speed, keeps going and you get charged $10 for each fraction of 2GB.


    No,the plan doesn't come with 500MB of free tethering, they come with a data allotment of 500MB, where you can use on your phone or tether.


    Nothing is free.

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