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Bob Newhart

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Posts posted by Bob Newhart

  1. FYI, I saw an answer about this issue.


    Sprint/Google should post this information on their websites.


    Sprint / GV integration is accomplished by back-end network connectivity between Sprint, Google, and their shared VoIP telephony provider, bandwidth.com. Integration only works when you are on the Sprint network. Attempting to place or receive calls while roaming on another carrier's CDMA network is not compatible with integration, because integration is dependent on call routing between Sprint and the VoIP network.

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  2. Sprint is the only domestic carrier that offers this level of Google Voice integration. Kudos to Sprint. But my guess is that, while roaming on VZW, Google Voice attempts to dial the international number directly. And that prompts the error message. If so, it might actually work better with separate cellphone and Google Voice numbers.


    I'm not too sure how it works, I think Sprint passes the call off to Google.

    I know when its fully integrated it doesn't dial two numbers, just the one.

    So when on VZW the carrier doesn't let me call internationally directly, like you suggested.

    Make sense, thanks.


    Is your google voice app set to dial international calls

    I've sometimes had a problem when I try to dial an international call the sprint will block it, and I check my app and it is not set for google voice to be the default for international calls.


    My cell is fully integrated, so my cell # equals the google voice #.

    All calls go via Google by the way of sprint, no access number is called like when it is partly integrated. In their help as option #2, I'm using Option#1.


    Google Voice has changed and uses your cell phone minutes and not VOIP. The call is initially setup by dialing a google number, but it doesn't always work.


    They did this to make the call connect faster. So it will always use your cell phone minutes and charge you for the international call.

    I don't understand why they made the change from using your data usage. Google seems to think that making the connection faster is what people want, when I believe most people want to use their data plan instead of phone minutes.


    Data is not used, its a cell voice call when using the cell phone. (Not using a voip app)


    When I use google voice/chat online on my chromebook in the browser, it does use just data.

    The voice quality when using that is very good, very clear.

  3. Why should it work while you are roaming? Then, both you and Sprint are subject to not only roaming costs but also international dialing costs set by the roaming carrier. Complaints would ensue.




    I don't understand what you mean here. Why should it not?


    My cell/google is fully integrated, which means my cell number = google voice number.


    When not roaming, I dial an international number (eg: +471233321273), it connects to Google's services, it uses my domestic Sprint cell minutes. It takes the minutes from allotted bucket of cell plan minutes, and then Google charges me for the international fee, 2 cents per minute.


    When roaming on VZW, I get that that VZW message.


    When roaming on VZW, I can dial my own cell number, enter my google voice PIN, press 2, and dial an international number.


    If I don't have my cell fully integrated, only partly. I can configure the phone to dial all or international numbers via a google voice access number. It would be totally transparent to me dialing.



    I use option one.



    GoWireless, I don't use Sprint's rates, I use Google's.

  4. I have google voice integrated with my Sprint cell.

    It works great, the google voicemail/sms is great using their app and online.


    While roaming today in the building at work, I tried to dial an international number, I got the message "Verizon Wireless, international dialing is not enabled on your account".


    When I'm not roaming, I can't connect to an international number either.


    I contacted Sprint international support to see if I needed to enable international dialing. I was told this


    " If I enable the service, then it is a guarantee that you are going to get charges from us since I have to remove google voice to add international services. Unfortunately you are not able to have both on your line."



    Any ideas, anyone else use this google voice international dialing?

    I use it from the google voice/chat site all the time.

  5. Your hypocrisy has not been forgotten with this post. I have seen several posts from you where you complain about Sprint not deploying low frequency spectrum in rural West Washington. And now you think Sprint shouldn't have access to new low frequency spectrum?


    Whoa there Nelly.


    I'm wanting Sprint to deploy their 800 Mhz (900 too?)) in all their markets that they own that spectrum.

    That is a large reason why I still am a Sprint customer, in anticipation of expanded voice coverage in my area.


    I think all cell companies should 'use it or lose it'. If they don't use their spectrum they should have it taken off them.

    Looking at the ownership spectrum maps, Sprint and T-Mobile are the biggest offenders of this of the big four companies.


    The spectrum not used by the cell companies can be used for other purposes in rural areas.

    • Like 1
  6. I have found the phone to very zippy, it does need the 2GB ram because of all Samsung bloat running.

    I haven't seen it get laggy either.


    The signal strengths are quite a bit better than the Gnex.

    There is a lot I don't like about the phone, but a lot I do. I should've just got this phone instead the Gnex originally. :)

  7. Yep, that is the issue I'm having.

    Wifi is off.

    I had the grey signal bars full, but couldn't make a call over the airave, no data worked.

    Rebooted phone. The 3g icon appears now.

    It seems like no phone works as expected or desired. :(

  8. Is there a way to make it look like a normal plain android phone?


    When its grey, it looks like it really isn't connected to the Google servers.

    How am I supposed to know if the network connection is good and usable?


    For example I'm connected to an Airave, which doesn't work very often.

    I used the blue colour to indicate when I can send txt/calls too.

  9. Are the signal bars supposed to be grey?

    I thought they were supposed to be blue, like on the Gnex.


    Is there a way to disable the brightness control on the status bar pull down?


    What does roaming guard actually do? Does it just give you a 'are you sure you want to make this call' message?

  10. The Lumia 820 I played with the other day was fast and smooth. Fruit Ninja even loaded quite quickly on it.


    Yes, they all seems very fast, even the lower priced ones.

    The top end Android phones/tablets do get laggy sometimes, that why I have the cpu meter gadget in the top corner, shows if it busy or stuck.

  11. I feel that Google doesn't spend enough time testing their nexus phones for cdma. I think cdma is best left to the phone makers to iron out the kinks unfortunately. I've just replaced my Gnex with an s3, for my own cell.


    One feature of windows phones I didn't like is how you can't have the phone powered off while it is charging.


    The cheap windows phones that are being released now for gsm providers are reasonable for what they are.

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