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Posts posted by dnwk

  1. Guys, this is much ado about nothing.  Individual device coverage maps have oft been inaccurate.  Do not worry about it.  All Sprint roaming to this point is either Cellular 850 MHz or PCS 1900 MHz.  And all modern devices support both bands for CDMA2000.  Until Sprint adds Lower 700 MHz, Upper 700 MHz, and/or AWS 2100+1700 MHz LTE roaming, the need for individual device coverage maps is basically nil.




    Well, there was some hotspot device that doesn't roaming on 850. Not sure why. I tested them on actual device.

  2. I do believe T-Mobile is correct in stating its native coverage to be 284 million POP's. That's, to my recollection, more POP's covered than Sprint. But that said, most of that EDGE beyond the 230 million POP's of HSPA/LTE is completely unusable. Rebuilding the infrastructure for T-Mobile to effectively cover that other 54 million will be a very costly endeavor. T-Mobile has to "Network Vision" the rural sites, it's not going to be as easy as driving to the base of a tower, and swapping an Ultrasite for a Flexi. They have to completely rebuild sites. New backhaul, Flexi's, new antennas, and new RRU's.


    If they want, they can piggy back on Sprint's NV

  3. I think they will be deploying Sprint b41. That would be the best guess since they want to deploy 100mbps+.


    Well, How do you use B41 in a rural area? I think B41 is only appropriate in high density populated area.  Coverage is a issue.

    If they have enough B12/17 holdings, it won't be that much a problem to achieve 100Mbps

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