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Posts posted by dnwk

  1. When I look at coverage map of Sprint and choose some Hotspot device in the drop down menu, it appears that some mobile hotspot device does not allow you to roam on Verizon, especially those LTE hotspots expect netgear one. Mifi does not allow you to roam. What's the problem? Sprint is do away roaming on Mobile hotspot?

  2. Fastest I got here in Brooklyn NY was about 16 Mbps. It was consistant too. The lowest it dropped to was about 13 Mbps.


    I think WiMax in NYC is owned by NYC Government.....And they are really fast.

  3. I remember thinking I was awesome because I had a T1 line in my dorm...


    That was in 1998 though :D


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    How much did you paid for that T1 in your dorm in 1998? $1000/month?

  4. Strange, i have the clear hub express and used 500GB+ last month and my speeds are still great 13Mb/s or so until it reach's night where there is 'Congestion time' as clear says and people on this forum,.


    But the problem with clearwire is that the backhaul or their ISP transit providers suck

    as i get 13Mb/s local but youtube 720P load's slow as my DSL gets 4Mb/s Download and 720P videos load more faster.

    As my traceroute shows, they dump most of their transit route to Level3. Why not using SprintLink? This is something I don't understand.

  5. From experience, I highly doubt that, because clearwire quickly throttles wimax home users down to ~1.5 meg speeds if you attempt to download anything over 50-100 megs or stream anything more than a few minutes long.


    Ironically, the portable hotspots did not seem to be so aggressively throttled.


    Oh, That's why a Sprint Hotspot's WiMax is so much faster than Clear's home modem

  6. This is one of those long stories that gets repeating many times in the forums.  Maybe someone on this forum will want to explain it.


    As far as I go over wikipedia on Rev. B. Looks like Rev. B is faster only because of carrier aggregation. And sounds like if Rev. B is deployed on Sprint, it will only increase the congestion.

  7. In my opinion, iDEN did not have superior voice quality, when all things are equal. However, iDEN was deployed on a superior frequency for propagation and coverage. And in many cases may have a stronger signal. And that may lead to a perception that the technology is better for voice.


    If that's the reason why you feel iDEN has better voice quality, then you'll be happier with CDMA on 800MHz.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



    It might not be the reason. I tried Verizon's service. They have 800 on CDMA and doesn't seem like they have better voice quality than Sprint.

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