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Everything posted by VEllisWade

  1. I'm all about that LA Kings bandwagon. #adoptAhockeyTeam

  2. Ass kicking, round 3 in t-minus 2 hours. #LETSGOHEAT

  3. Check out my blog! Subscribe and keep up with all the novel's updates! http://t.co/H8SYr8Lr @theULTRAproject

  4. Downtown Seattle is crazy right now. Avoid at all costs! #occupy #ows #blackblock #mayday

  5. Damn, threats of riots from some of the protesters have us shutting down at 4pm today!

  6. The next step for #OWS should be the formation of a political party. Why not? the #teaparty seems to be there. #impact

  7. Amare punchin' glass like that ain't gonna stop that @$$ whoppin' from @KingJames and @DwyaneWade - #LETSGOHEAT

  8. Watched the game on a tablet at work with a customer who was a Knicks fan. Ah the thrill of victory. #HEAT

  9. The Knicks don't have nearly enough firepower to win this series. #HEAT

  10. Why are imaginary friends so trendy on this planet?

  11. Now AVAILABLE in PAPERBACK!! http://t.co/17WNqWzQ

  12. I added @ChrisPirillo as one of my influencers on @klout. Who influences you? http://t.co/pHBp4U6K

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