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Everything posted by VEllisWade

  1. BREAKING NEWS - Your sweet & sour chicken isn't really chicken. What do you expect? They ran out of cat. http://t.co/Z4M19KxX via @youtube

  2. Any independents/undecideds who haven't decided yet just aren't paying attention.

  3. Bye week couldnt have come any sooner for the @dallascowboys - time to recharge and get a new gameplan together, because the current 1 sucks

  4. Yeah. Ping from Apple was a pretty colossal fail. On Google Buzz levels.

  5. I will very much enjoy watching LeBron and Dwyane defeat Kobe and Dwight in the Finals.

  6. Really? There is a #NotAllBlackPeople hashtag trending right now? Nothing better to tweet about?

  7. Buying a used Macbook is impossible because the sellers have this crazy inflated sense of worth of their products.

  8. The Carolina Panthers are more sauce than steak.

  9. Mark Sanchez is terrible.

  10. Hope you didn't go to the BET Hip Hop Awards without your kevlar on.

  11. "@TechnoBuffalo: Samsung Releases Wonderful Introductory Galaxy Note II Video http://t.co/OKWeEMKj" >> can't wait. Will be awesome

  12. This car was on fire just a few min ago. http://t.co/htS8aiMj

  13. I wanna be a member of They. Or Them.

  14. Jaywalking is the right of all sentient beings...

  15. Dont forget to follow @theULTRAproject for all the latest updates on my writings!

  16. More than any other day, today I regret leaving Florida when I did.

  17. Game ended hours ago and it is still trending? #NFL #MNF

  18. See what happens when you bust unions, Republicans? You get scab referees!

  19. When did the NFC West learn to play D?

  20. LTE by the time I move to LA? Yay! http://t.co/8q5ELiBZ

  21. Crazy ass day of football.

  22. Today I am part Native American. I'm a Slappaho.

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