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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I'm not as negative now on the BB London. It is a sharp looking phone. Although I like the stainless steel that was on the earlier prototype better. I'm a little optimistic about OS x10 with support for Android apps. If enough Android developers join RIM and add their apps to the BB App World, they just might have a shot. I think it will then just come down to performance. Because if the BB London feels sluggish compared to all the dual core gems and new quad cores coming out, then it won't matter. But if BB plays all their cards right with the London, I could see myself picking one of these up as a secondary phone. Especially if you can install any Android APK yourself and not forced to use only submissions that have managed to find their way to BB App World. Sent from Tapatalk App
  2. S4GRU

    MSL #'s

    Thanks for the post. I hope to see you become a regular around here on the new S4GRU website and forums. Sent from Tapatalk App
  3. Hey christopherc18. I sent you your account login in a Private Message to the old site. Go check it out so you can sign in and post in the new forums. We are going to be blocking Guest comments. Too many problems with that, in general. Sent from Tapatalk App
  4. I'm excited. Though I won't jump in the Alpha, I'm excited to see some movement. Sent from Tapatalk App
  5. I'm really excited about the thought of a Sprint version of the RAZR MAXX with LTE. I sure hope Google can straighten out the issues with Moto quickly. Sent from Tapatalk App
  6. Scott...I can see your next S4GRU Contribution article title... "Unremovable batteries and the iPhone are the bain to Pubcrawlers the world over" Sent from Tapatalk App
  7. I know I saw on the SprintFeed site that Sprint ranked second in the new results. Was the one posted here a different group? Or is this a typo? Just curious. http://www.sprintfeed.com/2012/02/sprint-ranks-second-in-customer-service-in-j-d-power-and-associates-study-scores-number-one-on-the-web/ Sent from Tapatalk App
  8. Thanks. I'm sorry for all the warnings everyone was dumped with in their Private Messages. The settings of the Spruz servers could not be modified around it. And the scripts I wrote for the migration really went bonkers several times. But I'm very happy to see you made it over to the new site. I'm loving it so far. And I'm really happy to be typing responses on my phone so easily! Sent from Tapatalk App
  9. Its piqued my interest. If Sprint can get an aptly named Epic version of it with LTE, I'm sold. However, if HTC beats them with some Evo flavored LTE product that is well spec'd...I may go with that first. I think I will skip the Galaxy Nexus, because in some ways its inferior to the E4GT. But I really want the first well spec'd quad core LTE phone as my next device. Sent from Tapatalk App
  10. Did I just see "stable" in the same sentence as a Windows product? Wow. I never thought I'd see this day! Sent from Tapatalk App
  11. I think some carriers are excited about a single technology network where all frequency is being utilized at maximum spectral efficiency. Verizon certainly is aiming for an all LTE network at warp speed ahead. I think in the case of Verizon, they want an all LTE network for simplicity and cost savings. And the ability to repurpose all its existing spectrum to LTE as soon as they can reasonable force its customers to migrate. In the case of MetroPCS, I think they are so deseperate for LTE spectrum, that they desperately need to use its 1x spectrum for LTE. So why not kill two birds with one stone? I don't advocate that these are the best solutions necessarily. But I can see why these two carriers are pursuing it so readily. VoLTE is going to be interesting to watch deploy and mature. Sent from Tapatalk App
  12. This is actually the smartest move its made in years. I think Apps is the biggest thing hurting their new OS 10. And to be able to run Android apps in a BB environment will be a very good thing. It may not get them to a place of growing market share. But it will help slow or stop their customer turnover. The remaining BB people are a die hard lot. They want a reason to stay. Any reason. Sent from Tapatalk App
  13. I couldn't agree more. HTC used yo be the best. But they are getting left behind. Their new prototypes look great, though. So if they can get their new stuff to marker quickly, with ICS and get competitive to Samsung, then HTC can pull out of the dive no problem. If they continue in the death spiral just throwing their hands in the air, then they will be just like RIM. Just wondering how much longer until they hit water. Sent from Tapatalk App
  14. Have you tried using our Mobile HTML5 website for smartphones or the Tapatalk app, yet, to access Sprint 4G Rollout Updates? I am using Tapatalk to type this post from my Epic 4G Touch. Sent from Tapatalk App
  15. I'm intrigued with the idea. However, given that I like to be able to dork with and customize my phone, its probably not a good solution for me. Something like this is a better fit for iPhone and WP than Android products. BTW, this is my first post on the new site. And I'm doing it from the mobile website!
  16. ATTENTION ALL S4GRU WEBSITE MEMBERS! The new website and forums are now open for business. It took a lot to get it up and running, but it's going now. Your accounts and forum posts have been transferred over automatically. You will receive a Private Message over at the old website with your temporary sign in credentials. You will need to sign into the new website with your new temporary password. Once signed in, you should change your password. More information and instructions will be in your Private Message. Messages will be sent out in post frequency order. The heavier users will get their credentials first. If you do not receive your temporary sign in by Tuesday, send me a Private Message at the old website. I hope to see you all soon at the New Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Website and Forums! Signed, Robert, S4GRU
  17. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012 Verizon is supposedly working with OEM's now on on voice only VoLTE handsets and VoLTE feature phones. I think we are just about there.
  18. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 2 February 2012 VoLTE is coming! And interoperability with existing 3G and 2G networks will be essential. This is an exciting development. I remember reading about 3 or 4 years ago some naysayers said it was virtually impossible to handoff between VoLTE and existing voice networks, and that VoLTE networks would have to be stand alone. Boy, did they call that wrong! I love evolving technology.
  19. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 2 February 2012 I have only had two instance of dealing with Sprint Customer Service in the past year. The last one was when I activated my E4GT...and that was a flawless experience. The other was a billing error, and that one was painful to resolve. It was eventually to my satisfaction. But it was a long, drawn out process. And one of the reps was slightly combative.
  20. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012 The only thing is as an MVNO, you are not subject to Sprint's roaming deals. So you will only have service on the Sprint native network. But this won't matter to millions of people. However, for me, my city is the last Sprint service area for 100's of miles. Sprint service in my city and all points south is great. But if you drive 5 miles north of town, the next Sprint service you get will be in Durango, Colorado or Pueblo, Colorado, depending which way you travel. I live off Verizon roaming in these areas.
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