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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. In my opinion, Sprint does have the best voice quality. Too bad I dislike talking to people on the phone. That being said, the GS3 has an excellent 1x/EVDO radio and it tests right on par with the best smartphones on the Sprint network. The same as the Motorola Photon. I have not tested LTE radio performance yet (but will on Labor Day weekend). But I can tell you if you are having problems with reception on a Sprint GS3, you either have defective device, or you are not in a Sprint coverage area. Robert
  2. Nope. Only LTE devices can connect to eHRPD. Robert
  3. I have the same issue with my Verizon LTE hotspot. If I am actively using 3G EVDO or eHRPD, it will not even search out a LTE signal even when I drive into solid LTE coverage. However, if I stop my active data session, it will seek out and find LTE. Robert
  4. All of them. About 27 around Ft. Wayne and 5 around Angola/Fremont. Robert
  5. I've seen it written somewhere that the maximum anticipated NV gain ever to be experienced in ideal situations is 3dBm over legacy 1x/EVDO to NV 1x/EVDO. Since the maximum threshold between LTE and EVDO is approximately 10dBm (between -95dBm and -105dBm RSSI), this will be far different than the maximum 3dBm difference between legacy and NV. So, therefore, we can anticipate LTE 1900 should offer less coverage than legacy EVDO. If you use Cloud RF to model the difference, in an ideal flat area, you get about a one mile difference on a 300' boomer with no downtilt. So I think LTE 1900 coverage should be quite good in most urban/suburban locations, except in those places with poor site spacing (like Baton Rouge). But tertiary and rural markets will look like LTE swiss cheese until LTE 800 arrives toward the end of 2013. I appreciate your offer of being a S4GRU guinea pig. Robert
  6. All of Northern California (and Northern Nevada), north of Sacramento is in the Sprint Upper Central Valley market. This market is slated to begin in 2013. Detailed schedules are not yet completed for 2013 markets and will likely not be available until some time in the Fall. Robert
  7. Nope. Doesn't mean that at all. eHRPD goes live far in advance of LTE. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  8. Because the LTE signal is more fragile and cannot push data on a weak signal like EVDO can. The LTE signal and EVDO signal strength should be the roughly the same at the same distance from the tower (if you are measuring both in RSSI). However, LTE will stop being effective around -95dBm and EVDO will be able to work until approximately -105dBm. So if you are standing in a place with a -100dBm EVDO signal, you would also have a -100dBm LTE signal. But your device will probably not show LTE in your signal indicator because it cannot connect and be useful at that strength. Does that make sense? With LTE 800, the -95dBm threshold will be farther out from the site than LTE 1900, giving more coverage. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  9. operator error Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  10. Amazon River Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  11. Sprint LTE-1900 Coverage Map of Lawrenceville, GA area as of 8/16/2012 And for comparison, here is Sprint's overly optimistic LTE coverage for the area. I used actual Sprint data for tower heights and figured range (downtilt) for sectors based on using 2/3 of the distance to the next adjacent tower. Robert There is an interactive version of our Coverage Map in our Sponsor section. You can read this thread for more information about how to become a S4GRU Sponsor. Sponsorship gets you access to even more content. S4GRU coverage maps created using CloudRF.com
  12. We are limited to do coverage maps for only up to 30 sites in one map. And they are a lot of work and time consuming. But I will add Fort Worth to the To Do List. It may take some time before it gets posted. Robert
  13. S4GRU

    Florida lte

    The only time I've ever seen "45 days" in relation to Network Vision is site de-installs. It was originally plan that legacy equipment would be removed 45 days after Network Vision work is completed. Robert
  14. It was an email chain I was copied on. It just said that some markets slated to begin deployment in 2013 are having some initial backhaul work starting in the 3rd Quarter of 2012. Robert
  15. Done: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1860-lte-coverage-map-lawrenceville-georgia-8162012-interactive-version-for-sponsors/ Robert
  16. Updating your PRL will not affect LTE connections. LTE does not run off a PRL, but rather the internal SIM card. The only thing updating your PRL will do relative to LTE is after you complete a PRL update, it will scan for a LTE connection. But you could also get it to do that by cycling through CDMA only and CDMA/LTE network settings. Robert
  17. S4GRU

    Florida lte

    Based on our observations here at S4GRU, from the point where workers first show up on a site and start work, until it is complete and accepted by Sprint is typically three weeks (barring any complications or delays). Robert
  18. eHRPD means that they have started routing 3G data for LTE capable devices through the 4G cores. It must be done in advance of LTE going live in order for transitioning from LTE to 3G to be seamless. However, in some places, eHRPD showed up many months in advance of LTE going live. So, while eHRPD showing up is definitely a sign of progress, it does not mean LTE is imminent in your immediate area. I have no details about backhaul specifically in the SF/South Bay markets, except a couple of blurbs about delays back in the March/April time frame. When I saw the schedule update last June that showed that work was scheduled to start finally in the SF Bay market (after several delays), I took that to mean their planning/permitting/backhaul delays have been worked through. Robert
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